
Man, wanting to replay all of the licensed games from my youth has been the biggest fly in our current “Everything you remembered playing, available again as if new” ointment. What I’d give to fire up, say, the Sega Genesis version of Robocop Vs. Terminator, or any of the games based off of the ALIEN series, and play

When asked if they’ll give up on using Beastie Boys’ music in their films, Hollywood directors collectively responded “We can’t, we won’t, and we don’t STOP.”

That would be silly... and now I desperately wish it would happen for real in one of these movies.

Preach it, brother. The “Binge it all at once” method of releasing shows can die in a fire.

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Indeed. Just at look at Harrison Ford, himself, in The Fugitive!

Ooh, good call! I can totally see it used in that context.

Well, of course it’s technically a Zune, I know, but come on, same era! It’s like referring to the 16-bit video game era as either the Super Nintendo or Sega Genesis days: same difference. ;)

I am loving how this seems like so many people’s ecclectic iPod collections in the late 2000s (especially the inclusion of the Mowgli’s iTunes Single of the Week, “San Fransisco.” A good jam, that one). I had many of these on my own mp3 player back in the day!

There is none. Except to do it, I guess. Even then, I just... this breaks my brain.


It looks like something off the Syfy Channel.

Remind me... How many lights are there?

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Ginny Di’s got some good videos on the subject. I’m sure there’s other Youtubers you can look to, but she’s one I like.

Why is a director as talented as David Lowery wasting his time on something as creatively scorched-earth as Peter Pan?

Took all of the words right out of my mouth. I work at one of the news stations here in the state where the trial is happening, so unfortunately I kind of have to follow it for my job, and oh my goodness does this guy seem so full of shit.


Yeah. He was pretty bland, too.

I think the article isn’t trying to say Sam is the only superhero without any powers, but that he’s the only Captain America without any powers.

Well, if what commentator Incurable Ennui says above is true, then maybe not. They say: