
Funny, just like all the moisture in what used to be a waterbody, none of the people who constantly whinge “Why is io9 posting so many articles about (X) shallow subject again?” are to be found commenting on this compelling one. Not even to complain about the use of a slideshow.

I’m confused. What does this have to have to do with the Dungeons & Dragons movie?

Also, believe it or not, but there were actually three D&D movies made before this one.

Having played a quite a few tabletop RPGs, I can confirm that almost every campaign I’ve been involved in has had the vibe you’ve described. This is why even before pre-production on this movie was even happening, I was hoping that any further attempts at adapting the material was fun-loving above all else.

And considering how it seems a lot of people are looking for alternatives to the MCU/DCEU/Superhero hype train, it’ll be nice if there’s some consistently entertaining fantasy romps to look forward to year after year.

This is all I’ve been hoping from a D&D adaptation for almost a decade. I was elated when the trailers showed that was the tone, and I’m excited that the movie seems to live up to that promise.

Is it just me, or does this feel like Argo: Video Game Edition? (Which I don’t mean as a ding, actually. Just feels like the interplay between producing a work of entertainment and navigating some nail-biting political espionage is similar)

Yeah, this series really went through the same “grounded, approachable hero in fairly realistic world gives way to ridiculous comic book physics and over-the-top set-pieces” progression that hit Die Hard and especially The Fast and the Furious pretty hard.

As someone who had those exact same criticisms about the second and third films, I was pleasantly surprised to discover this movie does a much better job at threading the “Why should we, you know, care?” needle than either of those two films. I think the change in screenwriters had a positive effect on that element.

If it helps, my family and I have started making a game out of it: finding the coolest, or most interesting, or weirdest, or funniest names/job titles in the credits.

Man, I hope this is the end, mostly because this movie was freaking AWESOME.

Man, this is such a bummer. Mondo always had the coolest art, and enough pull to get it attached to official releases (or at least, polished enough that it felt like an official release).

Same here. A picture of me after walking out of the theater:

Okay, I just have to ask: are you a fan of the Youtube channel, Dead Meat? Because this whole article (but especially the kill-on-average’s) has some extreme Kill Count energy, and I mean that as a total compliment.

This article didn’t make a note of it, so I looked around the web to see why Lachlan, who uses they/them pronouns, was being referred to as “her” throughout the article, and found this in another review:

As a resident, I just wanna say it’s a good thing this new law is the only backwards thing about this state! Ha ha ha

It isnt like They all have massive headquarters in that state.

It warms my heart that amongst all the chuckling, juvenile humor to be found in this comment section, there’s also a sincere, well-written analysis of the actual astronomy at play here.

I would not be surprised if when he sold the rights to Star Wars to Disney, George Lucas included a few clauses.

I’ve also got a personal connection for why I’m hoping it gets distribution: one of the directors, Steve Kozak, is my uncle and man, he’s been slaving/stressing over this thing for years.