
I absolutely agree, and honestly, would have also much preferred Mulroney (who I don’t think plays cackling psychopath very well) to instead have a stonefaced, deadly-serious demeanor. Like you said, “you fucking bitch, you murdered our brother/my son!” Would have felt much more resonant and real.

Oh hey, fellow member! Always lovely to see another Mormon Christian (with all due respect to President Nelson, saying the full church name is a mouthful, so that label is the compromise I’ve settled on) ‘round these parts.

As a practicing Mormon who believes in my religion... you’re not wrong! XD

Same here. That song sucks me in every time.

Can’t wait to hear “Red Right Hand” sung in Huttese.

Exactly. And wouldn’t you know it, most celebrities who get “cancelled” don’t seem to realize said “cancellation” traces back to THEIR behaviors. The exact shittiness that causes people to turn their back on them stops them from seeing the obvious reasons why.

Oh, I guess I was confused because those scenes with Galadriel happen in Lothlorien, not Rivendell. (That said, though, the architecture is the pretty much the same. Elves are gonna elf.) That moment in particular where Galadriel goes partially crazy evil-witch (one of my favorite parts of the whole movie) is also

Hey, ain’t nothing wrong with that. “Point of view is worth 80 IQ points,” after all.

Oh, hey, I definitely have an impassioned essay about 3, too. I think all of the original four films are varying levels of enjoyable, and that one has some profound thoughts about accepting the inevitability of death.

When I discovered this movie amongst my cousin’s recorded VHSes, I thought I found a treasure hoard. Very excited to see it in 4k

(Stuffs impassioned essay about the virtues of ALIEN: Resurrection back into vest)

*Dooh Dooh DOOH dah Dooh Dooh dah DOOH*
*Dooh Dooh DOOH dah Dooh Dooh dah DOOH* 

Hey, Linda, just in case you want to be rid of the woefully mistaken, incel-friendly ramblings of user ibell that responded to you, all you gotta do is click the three dots on the side of his comment and select “dismiss.” :)

Man, we can only hope.

How do you pull a good movie out of this, for a franchise that really needs a win?

Ooh, that set was a fabulous.

I guess you mileage just varies, because I would immediately think it was Rivendell. The autumnal foliage, the tiled roofs, circular courtyard, delicately swooping architecture, and especially that distinct semi-circular bridge would immediately distinguish it to me.

in the extended films far more goes down there, particularly with Galadriel. (emphasis mine)

Wasn’t Gimli’s father Gloin the only other elf at the Council of Elrond? (emphasis mine)