
Yeah, he really got screwed over by the studio not allowing him to have more pre-production time once Guillermo Del Toro dropped out. You watch the behind-the-scenes footage and you just feel sorry for the poor bloke: Jackson looks like a zombie.

I still feel that The Hobbit could have worked as either 2 three-hour movies or 3 two-hour movies**... but 3 three-hour movies was just ridiculous.

Okay, you joke, but a mockumentary that has the production value of Netflix’s Chef’s Table series would be pretty spiffy, actually.

Yeah, same. I mean, sure, there are fan edits that exist, but unless those fans have access to the original raw, unedited footage like an official release would, it’s not likely to be the level I’d really be hoping for.

When it comes to social media companies adopting a pay-for-verification model, not since Apple decided to combine headphone jacks with charging plugs just so they could fleece customers into buying a dongle have I been this annoyed with how a company’s naked greed is just... going to become a standard thing,

The fact that Quantumania features a similar variation on that exact line means I regret only having one star to give.

Just saw it today. It is quite fun. Not nearly as mean-spirited as *Snakes On a Plane*, thankfully, but more darkly comedic.

Psst! A nickname for cocaine is “blow” ;)

As someone who has counted Chucky as his favorite slasher/“Movie Maniac” for many years, I find it gratifying that my dude is finally getting the respect he deserves.

Phew. Until I had googled his name, I thought you’d meant to type “Perlman.”

Your comment is one of the funniest damn things I have read in weeks. No joke: it was so funny, I almost pissed myself. XD

Lol. That’s funny.

Yeah, it’s got pros and cons. Obvious con is that it basically gatekeeps fine individuals as yourself, but the same time... it also gatekeeps the not-so-fine individuals (usually).


Yeah, even zombie movies feel like they have more room for variety.

During a recent interview with Fangoria, Bryan Fuller revealed... (emphasis mine)

Hey, that was my idea! I’m glad you agree :)

I feel precisely that way about Dredd, think it fits Hellboy perfectly, and also wish we got more “typical day in the life” stories in our genre films. If this is truly how they’re doing the new Hellboy, and they nail it, I will be delighted.

To its detriment, to be sure.

Yeah, Kinja is trash (and has only gotten trashier over the years). Glad you’re here, though!