
Well, not technically one, but Blood Machines on Shudder certainly feels like an attempt at a live-action Metal Hurlant story.

It sounds like you and I share similar origin stories.

Okay, I’ll give you the “Aren’t you a little short for a stormtrooper”-esque moment, but I must politely push back on the others.

There’s a lot that I disagree with on your list (Multiverse of Madness is likely to be my bottom for a long time. I thought that script was a MESS), but I still agree with your list a lot more than the AV Club’s.

Personally I’d argue that Multiverse of Madness deserves the bottom spot, but either way, Quantumania being fourth from the bottom and five spaces behind Love and Thunder makes me seriously question if the AV Club even watched the same movies that we did.

Oh, hey. This list again, just with marginal updates.

This guy’s imagination sounds one-note and tedious.

It feels like the bizarre type of pulp science fiction Edgar Rice Burroughs and H.G. Wells might come up with.

Not to mention that if not for a surprise army of super-ants who had evolved a 1,000 years in the space of a day... our heroes would have definitely lost.

I’m with you on your assessment for pretty much all of these (I did like No Way Home a lot, though. Enough to consider it Phases 1-3-tier, personally).

That would have been a much better ending, I feel.

Nah, I’m with you, too. I didn’t think Star Wars so much as “Buck Rogers meets Fantastic Voyage” (with maybe even a dash of John Carter of Mars).

You and I seem to have the exact same view of things.

Yeah, everything I’m seeing for this is definitely in that Schrodinger’s Cat area of “This is either going to be excellent, or it’s gonna mediocre and think it’s funnier than it actually is.”

...if they do have such a gag, I hope it’s saved purely as an after-credit thing. As soon as the credits finish, cut to everyone around the table: “Good game! See you next month?”

(Asks “How does anyone keep up with this shit?” on a website for nerds discussing a topic for geeks) ;P

I keep finding myself wryly amused by how much Star Wars has been invoked in discussing this movie, and not, say, Barbarella, or Buck Rogers, or (what I would have thought to be the obvious comparison) Fantastic Voyage.

Oh, yeah. That sounds exactly like the sort of thing I’d like from a Hellboy movie. Even The Lighthouse feels like it has the dry sense of humor I’d want to see!

Welp. I gotta have this. This nerd has demands.

Totally agree. Hell, the opening to The Golden Army already gave a good sense to how stop-motion would fit in nicely with the setting.