
Ugh. Can someone with authority please tell Fake Lizardo to gtfo?

Welp, can’t edit it now (thanks Kinja), but I meant this forthcoming recession. If it does, in fact, happen as is predicted. Either way, though, inflation is a pain right now.

Okay, that makes more sense. Thanks for clarifying!

I dunno, I could see Barbie being a surprise hit. If it’s as funny as it’s got the potential to be, it could pull in Bridesmaid numbers. And if it turns out to be really good, it could pull a My Big Fat Greek Wedding. Word of mouth is a powerful thing.

Had this same thought. There’s tons of movies on the horizon, but only so much consumer money to go around, especially in this recession.

Pig was absolutely amazing. I was not prepared for how affecting it would turn out to be. (Still salty it didn’t even get nominated for anything at the Oscars. Further proof they’re all-but-worthless at recognizing the real cinematic gems)

So this paragraph confuses me:

Nice. I contributed maybe... 500 listens to that total? It’s a great song (and a MUCH more deserving holder of the “most streamed” crown, in my book).

Or, in the case of Universal’s plans for The Mummy to launch a full-blown franchise, unraveled

All of the stuff delayed during 2020 and 2021 finally released this year, causing a metric DELUGE of content?

That’s a very layered observation.

Yeah, it’s kind of funny tracking the evolution of the titles in both series until you see the exact point where they finally throw up their hands and “Okay! Okay! Inspector Clouseau is The Pink Panther! Nick Charles is The Thin Man!”

Stupid copycat troll account remains stupid (and a pale imitation of a copy of the real Dr Emilio Lizardo)

Eh, having watched all of them recently, I’m someone who would make the claim that MoM is worse than TtDW or IM2. The latter two are, at most, aggressively mediocre; MoM is actually bad.

Sweet. Gonna definitely take the plunge now. Thanks!

(Hey, hope you don’t mind a long blog post. I did not expect to be writing this much when I started this)

I’m so glad, too. I was so, so, so excited for the game and found its faceplant to be incredibly disheartening. Glad that time is mending that particular hurt.

Okay, this is what’s going to finally get me to watch Andor. I really was not too keen on Rogue One, but if Andor is winning over even people who didn’t like that one, then I definitely need to get off my butt and check it out.

As bad as Thor: Love and Thunder was, I would argue that Doctor Strange In the Multiverse of Madness was even worse.

Huh. I totally forgot how Romeo + Juliet calling all the guns sword names like “rapier” and “longsword,” etc. really DID make them seem cool as hell!