
Yeah, I gotta side with these guys on this one, Linda. I still haven’t seen it, plan to, but am still interested in reading about it until I do. I know it’s been a few weeks, but spoiler warnings are just a courtesy, and I was not expecting to see that plot spoiler in this article.

That’s actually a good parallelism to point out. Very insightful. I like it!

I envy your good fortune in having never been subjected. Well done!

The fact that they both star Margot Robbie, take place about a decade or so apart and in some way deal with show business from the period REALLY doesn’t help in making them feel more distinct from each other.

Oh, no doubt, I have tons of trash films from my youth that I still have a fondness for, even while knowing full well that they are utter garbage. Don’t ask me how, but I still have a soft spot for the Dolph Lungren Masters of the Universe and Bob Hoskins Super Mario Bros. movies, for example.

Oh, but see, they’re lesbians that manly men could still find attractive, so luckily no one’s machismo need feel too endangered.

Well, seeing as we’re probably never going to get either the Dino Riders revival/update nor the quality Turok: the Dinosaur Hunter adaptation that the world needs, this looks like it will do, instead.

Yep. I’m probably the wrong person to ask since I tend to avoid them, but I honestly can’t think of an MMORPG I wouldn’t have enjoyed more as just a single player experience.

Dear god, I hate this movie.

Well, being attracted to neither man, I couldn’t tell you. I am glad that apparently Simpson and Lynskey are on as friendly terms as exes can be, though. Nice when people can act like adults.

This looks a million times more interesting than the movie we apparently got.

Not to mention sensational!

That show is Avatar: the Last Airbender-tier, and I will stand by that forever.

I also am extremely jealous of Dipper Pine’s good marital fortunes. Lynskey is, and always has been, a smokeshow.

Why does this look so familiar...

What are the odds that Mad God could get a Best Animation nom? Because I think it’s deserving, for certain.

I dunno, I feel like such a move would be an injustice to both characters. ;)

As someone who is a total whore for Skyrim (specifically, and The Elder Scrolls in general), I’ll definitely be getting this.

...other than get me to click on the video quicker, that is. (Sigh) Which it did.