
This. This right here is why Die Hard resonates with me in a way that the more harmonious “traditional” Christmas movies don’t. Rather than characterizing the holiday season as an idealistic time of joy and harmony, Die Hard turns a Christmas celebration into a pure survival situation.

Whatever, man. To me (and a whole lot of other people), it’s a movie that I always crave watching around Christmastime. If that’s enough for people to consider It’s a Wonderful Life to be a Christmas movie, then I see no reason why Die Hard shouldn’t be allowed the same grace.

Well, as someone who never brags about my accomplishments because (1) I don’t really have any, and (2) my crippling depression wouldn’t allow me to give myself any credit even if I did, I probably have a warped sense for whether it’s common or not.

Very true! And there’s a very strong chance that will hold true here, as well.

Welp, it appears that my attempt at a harmless joke poking fun of Cameron’s well-established ego still rankled some ire.

If Die Hard were set during July instead of Christmas, the following elements would be deleted from the film:

As someone whose day job is to cut, re-cut, and find new ways to edit the same old video for my local news station, I can fully ken what ye be saying, lass. :)

Ok, now THAT is a genuinely helpful pre-release review. Here’s hoping I react the same way.


Does Moana count? Because that movie is a stone-cold classic in my book. (Jumanji: Welcome To the Jungle was pretty solid, too)

So basically what you’re saying is, you see writing articles like this as a “one for them, one for me” scenario? That seems like a healthy way to look at it.

Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, though.

Sure they did! I rather enjoyed it, in spite of the limited animation and getting the forest elves totally wrong. It had some jaunty songs and charm.

IN OTHER NEWS: James Cameron still a loudmouth braggart.

Hmm. As usual, these early reactions feel like they aren’t useful for anything except to fuel confirmation bias. I mean, of course people who already “had faith James Cameron would raise the bar” are saying they like it. But can it win over anyone who was unimpressed with the first?

Looks like Logan was right about the future of trucking.

If it does lose to anything, it damn well better be to Weird: the Al Yankovic Story.

I forgot all about that gag! Man, I need to rewatch that movie again. It’s been years.

Wait, I did? I could swear I had it spelled correctly from the get-go.

Wait. I remember you. Have you been in the bathroom for the last six weeks?