
“the car is otherwise fine,”

“...Sinazy... with her eight children...”

The population growth is also a very important factor here... In the last 40 years, the population of Madagascar has more than tripled: It has gone from 8.7 million to 28.6 million.

With a completely out of control fertility rate of 4.11 births per woman, you will see famines. Sure, it can be triggered by climate

The biggest factor is likely deforestation. Madagascar has lost over 50% of its forests since the 1950s. Forests help create rain and trap water. Removing all that vegetation leads to soil erosion and drought.

Literally the slowest predator ever and the chick still tried to stand it’s ground...

Tern community: FLY AWAY! Now! HURRY!
Tern: But my freedom!

Interesting point. Are the first space tourists, the cats who blew millions to hang out on the ISS for a week at a time, considered astronauts? Especially seeing as they had two years of training with the Russians before they strapped in and got launched.

Bezos was cargo at best.

man, fuck this fucking douche and his douche fucking cowboy hat. 

What’s the point of leaving it up there for another 2-4 years? The range alone seems ridiculous, like they lacked the ability to crunch the number to give the exact time it would burn up? Knowing we landed remotely on Mars tells me the number crunching isn’t the issue. So. Why, tf, do people get paid to watch this

It’s because America is addicted to it’s “Freedom units”. You know, the same ones used by such freedom loving countries as Liberia and Myanmar.

Deutsche Bank can eat a big fat Donald dick. These rich fucks need to look at making our economy sustainable, not just growth oriented. 

Baby Yoda’s snacking habit was apparently meant to be funny.

My vote goes to B.S.

Can they really be categorized as culture appropriators if they were raised by a black man who shared with them what he loved? The culture you say they’re appropriating, is their culture.

It’s like she’s waiting for that moment to jump out with the gun. Both parties could have walked (or driven)away at any time.

The full video is one of the most bizarre things I’ve ever seen. Because Handgun Becky seemed to trying to deescalate the situation, in an admittedly terrible, privileged, and ham-fisted way. But then mom slaps the car, and she’s Annie Oakley.

This guy was absolutely wrong and deserved to be fired.

what on earth does gently disturbed sediment in manmade canals have to do with greed?

I’m shocked, truly shocked, that walking around in an active volcano could be potentially hazardous. Who could have possibly predicted this tragedy?

I think you wanted to write 29,2 or perhaps 30 very heavy African Elephants, ( they can reach 6 metric tonnes)