
Better question: why does anyone need an app for vaping? Follow that logic: why does it matter if Apple pulled their apps or not?

Iran is a country with a rich history and geography.  I can theoretically see the appeal, although I don’t have much interest in visiting places with a hostile government.

Actually, it goes beyond rude and stupid to visit a notoriously restrictive country like Iran and flout their laws. That’s not chutzpah; it’s hubris. Who could imagine that a country which has been warring with other countries for something like 18 years (actually quite a lot more) would be resistant to aerial

Why would a Southwest account need my Twitter handle in the first place?

From what I’ve read it isn’t just that the system uses a single sensor when two are available, it also alternates between which sensor it uses on each flight. Which (if true) leads to a sensor failing, pilots reporting a problem, then the system alternating the other, good, sensor when ground crew are trying to

BMW drivers dream to have this level of asshat parking job

citation needed

China Telecom had clearly “neither the basic routing safeguards” nor proper procedures in place “to detect and remediate them in a timely manner when they inevitably occur.”

According to Philippine News Agency, the act drew the ire of many fans on social media anticipating the release of the biggest blockbuster out there right now. Because, you know, a grainy, probably torrented version of Endgame isn’t how most fans wanted to experience end of a decade’s worth of Marvel films.

Um, what?

Lithuania is not a dictatorship.

Was anyone else confused as to why the Vision wasn’t in the film at all? I mean he got dusted, even though he’s a robot, and was more or less dead before the dusting.... but he wasn’t in it at all.

I’m with South America on this one. 

This comes from a country that has for decades relied on hacking and stealing tech from US firms to compete. 

Extra cup holders are an “option.”

The ETIAS fee is $7.00. The ESTA fee is $14.00. What is ESTA? It is the same as ETIAS only operated by the US. So, the US have had this same system in place for 10 years, actually. So, anyone who is allowed to visit the US visa-free, has been paying this fee and doing this registration for 10 years.

Probably revenge for the absurd US restrictions for people visiting from friendly countries.

I am wondering that this is only coming now, 20 years too late.

The article fails to acknowledge that much of Huawei’s success is due to state sanctioned IP theft, forced technology transfers, China turning a blind eye to allegations of IP theft, or the spectre that any enforcement of your IP rights, will result in retaliation by an entire country.  

I hate Trump with the passion

Huawei, like most successful Chinese companies, is accused of success through unlawful acquisition of foreign intellectual property. While Huawei and others have nearly caught up and are, in some ways, even surpassing American design, it is very difficult to turn a blind eye to the years of outright theft they used

His defenders are saying that the word slipped out during a “heated gaming moment”. Who among us hasn’t dropped racial slurs while bitching about how you lost a video game?