
Calling SpaceX and Blue Origin rivals is like saying the NY Yankees and a little league team are rivals, there really is no comparison to make. BO sends a few tourists on sub-orbital flights while SpaceX dominates cargo to orbit and humans to orbit or to the ISS. BO seems like a vanity project for Bezos while Musk is

Their lack of self awareness is nothing less than shocking

Oh my god, this whole thing is so stupid. It’s not like they have to plow some ancient burial ground or knock over a cathedral. They just need to remove the span of the bridge for a few hours. Which they’ve already done. Which will be paid for generously.

Oh, that’s easy.  Musk doesn’t have a company that makes electric trams.

I don’t see anyone actually triggered by this, it’s just kinda amusing.

I’ve gotta be “that guy” and admit I’m not sure why this is so offensive. I mean...BK is a fast-food burger joint, what else should they try? Rainbow color their fries? What idea is better that doesn’t involve a whole new menu item or extensive retraining on how to make/cook it?

You mean my nightmares? 

It was my understanding the federal law requires a physical connect to the steering. I remember infiniti being required to have a steering shaft. This is a Lexus UK video so im guessing its not a US bound feature.  Its also probably why Tesla doesn’t do it.

Next week headline. "flight attendant singing masks off song gets covid, says if he knew it would have been so bad, he wouldn't have celebrated."

This guy didn’t outdrive his vision. He drove right between the gates. He’s just making up some bullshit to make his stupidity sound more palatable.

For those who don’t ride, one thing you’re taught is to never out-ride your vision. The rider more or less admitted that they couldn’t see a thing because of their visor. So they should have pulled over to sort out the visor rather than quite literally riding blind.

Seriously don’t understand why people keep doing this shit. Also bollocks he was trying to clear water from his helmet and didn’t see the lights. The video quality is high enough that you can clearly see he has both hands on the bars, he sees the barrier and he hunches down to try to get under it. 

Our brain fails to represent these things.


Go green one lap earlier instead of wavering on the decision-making and leave the lapped cars in the running order. They’ll get blue flagged and Max has fresh softs. He probably gets to Lewis in two laps anyway.

I’m genuinely curious to hear what most peoples’ suggested alternative would have been.

I feel like the title of this article is misleading. The rocket itself works on the reaction of Hydrogen and Oxygen to create water. This is pretty friendly to the environment compared to most rockets out there (They run on some nasty fuels sometimes).

The Butthole Surfers is a particularly egregious and offensive name. Did you know none of those guys are actually surfers?

personally am still shocked and angered to find that there are no horses in A Band of Horses. It’s not only a failure of representation. It’s also false advertising.