
Google is a very dark company.

Maybe technically they are in the wrong but I reserve the right to set my give-a-shit meter about that very, very, very low.

Please, for the love of God, explain to me how this is any different than any other tunnel boring machine ever used. Bertha, Harriet, the one that dug twin light rail tunnels under Lake Washington, the one in Switzerland that dug the longest tunnel in the world. This is not fucking new.

What a fucking idiot. Putting his life and others at risk, all while acting like a dipshit. On top of that, a drive through car wash is an utterly moronic choice of refuge.

I think it’s important to note that the second (melted) image is a closer shot, so things appear larger. Also to note is the odd shape of the dash on the That’s. Let’s take a look at another angle:

Why is Jalopnik paying attention to this nitwit?

I disagree. I don’t use facebook. I hate it, for all the obvious and well known reasons, and haven’t used it in years. It’s definitely lost me opportunities on both personal and professional levels. I think it’s ridiculous how pervasive it’s become in today’s world. If you don’t want to use it you don’t have to. Like

I don’t get the frenzy to own a piece of this company.

I still don’t get how beta testing vehicle technology with the general public is ethical or even legal. I realize this is the usual way software is beta tested, but this is 2+ ton rolling machine. There is a serious public safety issue here.

This Article is not correct. The licensing was not stopped because mp3 is obsolete (although it might well be), but simply because all patents on the codec have expired. Since no one owns the rights to mp3 now no one can license it.

Are you referring to the future of our food supply or his picture?

Now finally, something does not seem right with this man because repeating “just kill me” over and over again is not typically something a right minded individual would do. Which would also go towards explaining why he refused to leave in the first place.

No legal protection? At least in theory, badges do not grant special privileges. If a police officer is obviously in-the-wrong, you should have legal protection. I am not 100% sure about that legally, but I am 100% sure morally.

This makes United seem almost unbelievably incompetent. Why were people allowed to board if they knew not all of them were going to be on the plane? Denying someone boarding is way easier than asking someone who’s sitting down to get off.

As a German teacher who has shown numerous videos of Alexander Gerst and Sendung mit der Maus in class, and tries to convey to students how awesome Star Trek and space exploration are, I finally have the Best of Both Worlds - Something that I can use to completely ruin vastly improve my student’s lives.

And DERP at 2:19.....

No, I don’t think so. I’m pretty sure he was just holding a wicked wheelie and ran smack into another ramp. If you look at what the trick is composed of, we start with a good jump. No big deal. But then: