
Whose stomach is so weak that they can’t look at a couple of tiny blisters?

Wow...further proof that those who run Facebook are simply complete assholes. BBC should have reported Facebook for receiving child porn just to stick it to them. Technically Facebook did ask for the pictures, which is *also* illegal. Just wow...

Perhaps using Command+C and Command+V instead?

It’s funny that we can barely stand to look at photos of organisms that live deeper under water than a weekend scuba diver might go, but Star Trek makes us believe that we will want to have sex with every alien species in the galaxy.

I agree 10,000%, and shutting the door on someone is known as “unlawful acceleration”. Charge the bastards!!!

Honestly I don’t see what the white Sequoia did wrong; it appears to be stop and go traffic, it also appears there is a left exit or split coming up (watch till the end), the Sequoia signals to move into the lane, there was a white accord directly behind the Sequoia therefore if the Sequoia slows they’re slowing

My mother also liked to broil up some steaky hockey pucks. Ketchup or A1 were necessary lubrication for the safety of your esophagus.

Who tells a stranger she has “nice skin?”

The level of unthinking schadenfreude in this post and in the comments is frankly making me uncomfortable.

They’re at roughly 500km according to the source article. That’s about a 15 year life with no reboosts, assuming initial orbit was circular. I’d guess the big satellite has propulsion and will actually depart for a higher orbit while most or all of the little ones will stick pretty close to this orbit having little or

Rulings like this make if more difficult for foreign companies to do business with American companies...

That is true. But America also Turned boatloads of Jewish refugees away before the war and during the war we let upwards of 275000 jewish trying to flee Europe literally die because we created so much red tape for them to get here in order to keep them out.

Unnecessary e-waste?

Unnecessary e-waste?

No. Just because you’re too fucking lazy to learn another language does not put the onus on the rest of the world to learn yours.

The rights for this drug were purchased for 100,000 dollars not to long ago. It was developed in the 50's.

Breitbart is an open sewer.