
I’ll just get mine from reputable sellers on the street.

The tweeting about companies should have the SEC looking really hard at people who are buying stock in these companies as the share price comes down. I think either he himself, or someone near to him is spoon feeding him information and manipulating the stock market.

“Today, dashcam footage from the Netherlands showed just how powerful the new safety feature can be.”

Bad faith breaches are absolutely a thing and exactly how one would assert the “spirit” of the Consent Decree is being breached. It may not be living document in that it’s not subject to change, but it’s absolutely a living document in that it’s subject to the bad faith acts of the parties to it.

Don’t care. He’s still an ass and violated the good faith in this.

So, you are potentially going to deny yourself some seriously awesome vehicles (Porsche/Audi, and I love my Golf-R) because some jabroni on the internet tried to get cute-sy with VAG by stripping his car down the before drop off for some LOLZ and internet fame? Really? If so, your face never really liked your nose

Is it legal to drive it on public roads in that condition? Is it still considered “operable” if it isn’t legally allowed on the road?

Blue Origin is the Faraday Future of space vehicle video comparison companies.

Maybe Zuck should have considered that there are several companies working on exactly what he is doing with more engineers and proven systems and trying to do this on his own was a waste of time.

Ah well, when an employee who’s not an employee is in a driverless car that’s not a driverless car, it’s easy to understand why they might treat a red light like it’s not a red light.

Yeah isn’t that crazy? When oil companies wanted to start fracking the only assurance they needed to give about its safety was that as far as they knew it was safe. But before the government was willing to publicly state that it ISN’T safe they had to wait for years of data to come in and then review 1200 scientific

I thought we had free speech in america??? smdh a whole democratic peoples republic of snowflakes???

OK.. this is NOT Comcast.. it’s a subcontractor with the comcast logo on the side - jeez.

I hate this video, but they’re not breaking the law. What they’re guilty of, is not going above and beyond what a normal and logical human would do. These guys are not different than any guys that do any telephone pole work I’m sure. They know Comcast/the Towns Policy, and they’re following it.

Have to say, the RAM driver did a great job getting his truck slid into just the right position.

Your life or laptop?

I’m of the mind that the people making the decisions to cut these programs really don’t care. They don’t understand it, or if they do, they don’t care that it will put many of the people they are supposed to represent at risk of death and devastation from global climate issues and an increase in extremely strong

They’re targeting the EU too. The Neo-Neo-Nazis (alt-right by their real name) are targeting the EU for disintegration. Literally. If the EU falls apart, so does the ESA. China has no real vested interest in Climate Science outside of Chinese borders. Any efforts the Chinese make would be focused on Chinese interests.

They threatened the health and safety of A LOT of people. Even fucking that human poopstain Murdoch out of a hundred million isn’t worth that. He’ll barely feel that bite financially anyhow even if he doesn’t get a penny back ever.