
And it turns out Sally was actually outfitted with a VW diesel and was recalled, never to be seen again.

Yeah it’s great

Phones should just implement a warning that you’re holding your phone wrong when recording.

No, not racist.

You are free to have an option of course, and I am free to point out how uninformed it is.

T-Mobile does not develop the radio software for the iPhone. Thats Apples job. Its actually fairly unique in the US mobile industry, as Apple was the first company to say, we handle updates not you (carriers).

The fact that you

A deforming part is a moving part. So it has ONE moving part not none.

Two things:

Random crazy person, physical violence, lots of bugs, some vomit, all trapped in a subway car together?

Uber is not “subsidizing” it’s drivers - let’s make that clear. If anything drivers are the ones subsidizing Uber since they provide the vehicle and bear the cost of phone bills, insurance, maintenance, gas, and depreciation. Uber has essentially no overhead to pay except for its legislative legal agenda. The

Huh. It’s almost as though there’s a hard floor on how much a taxicab service costs because taxicab service is really hard on an automobile, and the equipment has to be maintained one way or another. But, y’know, disruptive. App. Disruptive app. New way of doing things. App. App.

To be honest, back when it was announced that the autopilot feature was to be enabled, I was surprised it was even legal.

With insects, the general rule is that if you don’t understand why a bug does a particular thing, check the chemistry. Insects have very basic brains, and respond in a very reliable fashion to pheromones and other scents. All the butterfly would have to do is to make these eggs smell like that species of ant’s eggs,

Even though I’m a sysadmin people always seem to endorse me for my knowledge of MS Office.....

Just popped in to pick a nit. The catalytic converter doesn’t filter or trap, it catalyzes. It provides a substrate that facilitates reactions that break down unwanted byproducts of combustion. Nothing is trapped in the catalyst, it is reacted to something less harmful and released.

Quick summary for the impatient:

They’ve essentially tested technology we already know to work and use in other applications?

To be honest I wish they would charge more.

Pictured, Jason and the other short car lovers crying because they can’t see the tattle-tale lights from the driver’s seat.

it aint fun unless you have to run