
I was wondering if it was Sheikh Mo’s own, but it did not look net enough... but that airpot was not Fujairah.

They are stranded there wanting to get to GB. Probably from English speaking African countries...

No engine braking in first gear? Going downhill in the highest gear is alwas a very very good idea...

great cabling :-)

Let’s take the original caption from NASA, it was shot from a distance of 21100 miles away.

i could not agree more with you! This is a huge wast, a lot of precious resources are made into inferior products. Even properly recycling them costs may be more than the production. This waste needs to be avoided right from the beginning.

Would it? Failures happen...

Honestly I thought that Apple said once the data is encrypted on your device?

I will mount my chair to my Roomba and put the charger under the table :)

Is this now officially the end of the world?

as long as the cladding is not supplied by a company from Sharjah...

i think this is really a bad idea... it will go the same way as those small magnetic balls.

Sticky nonetheless...

They should also take into account the time you need to put the cube into the machine. I guess mounting it is taking more than half a minute.

ah, they are safe anyway, he buckled them up...

So, basically during lunch time?

Looking at the title pic, I cannot unsee a male genital with testicles places unusually wide apart...

Something similar happened here in Germany a year ago, two drunk went down a similar tube, but instead of a gentle slope slowing them down, there was maintenance equipment at the bottom. Both died.

looks like a Chinese coin

I want to see those cars perfom in winter conditions