
Why rotate the sensor? Just use a square sensor and take the 16:9 or 4:3 piece out of.

Ironically the bike in question was not used in the race...

this looks like facebook is turning into a state like the German Democratic Republic. Facebook is arranging your life, choosing what you can do and how you should do it...

What’s the efficiency? more than 10%?

...just blame Volkswagen...

Aaah you beat me to it. What now? one day flat, one day round, whut now?

why not symmetrical nozzles?

The worst thing is if ‘you’ do something similar to Apple, they sue the hell out of you...

Is this available also in “moa beautiful” or only in “fugly”?

... and the cube is modified (drilled holes where the morots attach) this shall not allow a new World Record to be valid.

completely agree with you. Once you get the picture where the colors are into an algorithm, it is solved instantly. The calculation takes no time, the only limit is mechanical.

Sandberg’s disturbingly naive suggestion highlights how desperate Facebook is to look proactive, as well as how alarmingly unprepared the company is to deal with the reality of the problem.

Let me aid you with the translation (native Austrian here):

I guess you could really suffocate when the stuff is heavy on your chest and basically strangles it

Impact debris?

I am just wondering when the whole line of dominoes (i.e. car-makers who cheated) topples over...

Yes, the launch was awful to watch. I actually was not aware that the whole excercise was already over when I wront my comment, but on the otherhand planes land on carriers...

Landing on a barge floating in a surf of 3-4 meter high wave is pretty optimistic...

So, the cash depot was not destroyed, it was the housing of the cash and the cash was distributed evenly... and is still there...

Looks like a highly uncomfortable ride