
So, all those self-driving cars will also self-clean themselves before embarking...

Hm, Iran does not like anybody to get into their territoral waters. And they are notoriously known to be very annoying, even to civilian sailors. Off the coast of Dubai there is another small Iranian island and they caught a few sailing boats and kept the persons for really some time.

You need two watches as one will be on the charges...

It would work out if you mix languages...

Musk predicted that owners will be able to summon their car from across the country.

Why oh why is the guy igniting the one nearest to him first?

We lived on the 33rd story in the marina, but our building was concrete on the outside. I do not know how often the firealarm went of during the first few months... never started to run down...always kept ample water in the kiddie pool son the balcony.

The guy can be happy that the weight did not hit him in the face...

I just hit the button for the front window heater, remvoed the ice outside as well. Best feature....ever.

I would fear that it sill scatter...

That was “The Belgian Job”, however they obviously rehearsed more for the “Italian Job”

All right, this is Methangat not Dieselgate... Looks like this is causing more harm in one day than all the cheating Volkswagens in the US during their lifespan...

It looks like copper brain because of the way the person pours it into the liquid...

Basically you answered the issue in the article:

so I buy two of them and get...Jar Jar...

there are cameras good enough to get the picture from a SAFE point..

not ingenious, just the easiest way to do ;-)

This is actually the crazy thing that I won’t comprehend..

Looks like an eastern German IFA-Truck

I guess you will not be very fond of living in a house build of cow poop patties during the monsoon rains...