
That is literally a shitload of cow patties. They are used as fuel in India/Pakistan etc. Cows are note very good in digesting, so a lot of fiber gets out again. This is collected and those round patties are dried in the sun on the wall of your house. Once dry you can fire them up and cook on top of them.

You see tons of busses driving around in Pakistan with logos of German travel companies, so not everybody is into removing decals...

“Blemish the paint?” as in Daesh cares about the paint job while doing their thing...

I don’t think there’s a relation between the Englich and German origin. The German Wikipedia mentions tons of local names but doesn’t explain the origin of the common name :-(

If the Daisy come from “Day’s Eye” where is the German word for it coming form?

I would have liked to be part of the meeting taht made the deciscion to go ahead with this product...

So we have a real chance that Flickr gets good again?

umbilical cord...

If you enter the US the same can happen to you. Immigration/customs or whoever might search your laptop.

racism card played... well.

Isn’t a car loan much cheaper? If I check this for my car I come up with around 600USD of instalments and insurance per month for a vehicle twice the size of a Corolla? And that included 4 year without paying for checkups.... and less than a 1000 UDS liability?

Don’t you think this was a tongue in cheek remark?

oh! metric units :-)

honestly, this guy and the construction company who was responsible had no plan at all. It was a completely stupid move of this guy who wanted to show everybody how great he is.

Gotta lover her name: Dehandschoewercker

What kind of non-ROHS phone do you still have to get significant amounts of lead out of?

would only last for a fraction of a second (1019 seconds to be exact)

30 miles, nothing unusual during holiday season...

Looks like they wanted to do some sightseeing in Lahore

Why is it daring?