
Did I write exclude VW? I just made a comparison what some crazy people think they can do in the land of the free which I cannot imagine that it is covered by any pollution legislation...

So, then sue the crap out of the red-necks with their Coal-Runners. One of those has probably as much emmissions as all the tweaked VW at once...

It sounds more like a sophisticated space diversity or a phased array approach... may be I need to read it the WP...

I find it fascinating that there is a:

In German/Austrian movies at least the design is correct...

Again, why the hell they make fake Austrian plates?

His best statement was “[Sainz] is trying to push me off the track, if this is legal i will do the same”

How can they mess up the plates so badly?!?

Just get the Vienna Art School to accept him, originally they refused him...

That’s what I flet as well. I got dizzy immediately after looking at the screen... Induces motion sickness.

Mateschitz will buy the F1 and give Bernie the boot

That is definately no normal take off from DXB. Usually they go much further out to the sea. You can see it banking to the left just at or after what is left of The Palm Deira, then it continues between the Jumeirah beach and The World. No normal air traffic is there.

Wow, something my dumbphone of 10 plus years could do is now an innovation... nice to catch up.

And even the first 10 seconds, no music is audible and after that it is amazing that you can recoginze it as Let’s go Crazy. Who finds such stuff...?

The best is the dog jumping into the water alongside the slide

That is really THE question...

That is one dent!

Err, afaik Musk was not at a bar with his buddies and making jokes, he was standing on a podium presenting his newest car to the world... Nevertheless nobody can forbid him to make jokes, I so for did not watch the original video, but isn’t that considered a sales pitch? At least ‘Bioweapon Defens Mode’ sounds better

With this Bioweapon Defense Mode Tesla has lost in my few a lot of reputation. This is a stupid publicity stunt which cannot hold up. A freaking marketing claim.

Looks like the offspring of a BMW X6 and a Ford S-max...