
you just arosed Scotty’s envy...

...somebody at NASA swapped feet and meters again... why not use the same scale?

I cannot imagine that they did not test the back-up unit on ground? I mean, this is some basic stuff you would expect...

My thought as well, it sees animals everywhere. The below post is good, referring to the material the NN gets to be trained.

Didn’t they shop at Hacking Team?

So when Hacking Team decided to renew its license with Ethiopia’s Information Network Security Agency even after the INSA was discovered to be using the software to spy on journalists,

Sorry, only in German as I did not find an English equivalent, Google Translate will help for sure. but when allowing nipples the men still rule...

I’m crying and cringing when I see what the guys are doing to theirs skis!

plain craziness... just a little shift of the thermal lift may send him into the rocky part...

This has nothing to do with a “service” provided through whatever company. This was “Home Sharing” in your home. You already paid licence fees for that music (I guess). So it is an ass-hat move to make you update your OS without telling you that they disable a piece of SW to make you subscribe to the oh-so-great

Completely stupid, look at the depth of the water, may be just half a meter if at all. Much too shallow. Falling in head first and you break your neck...

The core of the Kingdom Tower looks like a Copy&Paste job ...

unfortunate flew over the cuckoo’s nest

The guy is using a ramp to get on two wheel, how lame ;-)

What’s the resolution (m/pixel) on those last pics?

The SIMPad from 2001, too early

What is being thrown in here?

Completely agree, this wass a complete non-argument. helicopter itself is a combination of words. Sounds like he’s completely ignoring this fact, but well he was not around 1861.

Why don’t they use multiple chutes? A much smaller but rubuster one to help slowing it down further before deploying the huge parachute. Of course weight is an issue but saftey as well..

The biggest problem with pellet production is when wood that is normally left in the forest, like the rootstock , is extracted. This weakens the soil and removes the protection that was there to keep the soil where it belongs. Erosion is becoming a bigger danger then.