
you got it completely wrong, this is the Transformer’s part...

barely a scratch

putting sauce consistently on a pizza, very difficult task... needs some higher degree and definitely a specialized worker who does nothing else, right?!?

Just take a beer-crate put one of those ‘volcano’ things beneath it, fill the crate with the cheap fireworks rockets, ignite the volcano... run... watch...

What is that to the right bottom?

Because they are “All-Weather”, if you get the sunshine edition, they are probably down at 40$ ...

hm, is this really in the US? Aren’t there some 0s missing?


I want notes back! TO add these in the pictures was the best feature

However Neuer somehow started it with passing the ball out a blink too early just before the 1:0

definitely not expecting a first class ticket and still better that a very hot backside :-)

I don’t know if you would consider the test ‘successful’ if you were inside this capsule, that was some pretty wild shaking when the capsule detached and deployed the parachutes.

Looks like we have another case of a rounded rectangle...

Actually there is currently a model Ford Galaxy...

Why isn’t there anything relating to this launch scheduled on NASA TV?

They make the things that make the network network.

Disel? WTF are the Luxembourgians putting into their cars?

I was curious about the digital crown, a new UI idea, too.

The TGV record is respectable, however everything that was part of the try you could just throw away afterwards, except the rails.

Why they do not take into account FROM WHERE you are sending the search url? If mobile, give mobile results, if desktop provide desktop...