
You forgot the epilepsy warning... That thing causes nausea...

Looks oddly flat..

I paid email by the KILO-byte, just trying to remember how much that was. Was using Pegasus mail an account of UNDP. First WebPage I guess actively looked at was Audi... The whole country (at that time in Asia) was connected to something like 128k or so...

so are 99% in the App-Store.. isn't it? But they got attention, so goal reached :-)

Teh NAtGeo article mentions just 160 METERS not MILES

What makes me wonder is this ultra-dependency on this SSN? Why is everything dependant on it? It's just a bunch of digits a lot of people will come to know earlier or later. Like somebody wrote, banks, doctors and whatever bunch of people.

Hotel room with sea view...

Why are the cruise ships berthed at a container terminal?

Two interesting things. a) for some times this is one of the most clogged streches fo Autobahn, so it is good to have "traffic Jam assistant" who gets you slowly forward. And b) it has an unlimited speed-limit just outside Munich.

Why should it slow down if you flash your lights at it?

Turorudi is a must! Best sweet ever!

I wonder if the guy drove this part of the M7 before. As far as I can see the crash happened somewhere between km 130-135, before Lelle.

What is the percentage of rides Uber contributes to the overall traffic of Boston?

My guesses:

RTL in Germany does split-screen advertising when it is some time into the race or if the situation is tight.

Just thinking of hitting one of those steel wires securing the tower...uhhh

Well, where do we start. When SS7 was designed the telco universe was much regulated, access to their networks was very restricted. And most importantly, signaling was carried out of band, away from the content (speech). There were others, like R2, R5, that worked in-band (no SS6 and SS5 as the WP notes) but lets

Andrew, when was this piece written? Such dryers may have been a breaktrough a while ago, having one myself that needs no vent since 7 years.

Denmark has LEGO, so approved.

I thought the Tie Fighter is a single seater? Or was that Hoth...