
Why she didn't get him trained properly before allowing him to serve in First?

Somehow this thing looks like the new speederbike in the SW E7 tailer

How much are those bolts? Even if super special military space grade, a couple of 100s?

I thought there was something called Free-Space-Optics (FSO) that does the job already? So twisting it supposedly increased the datarate?

...and already cut! What a man!

I 'remember' falling unconcius from the chair when I got mine for the first time...

Thanks for the explanation!

so ture :-)

While I admire the guys work with this neat Video-Photoshop thingy, I have to ask why the director of this clip did not light the scene properly...

When did he open the chute? Baumgartner did a free-fall for more than 5 mins(?) and then glided to ground from a few thousand feet., so with a speed of 800kph his jump cannot take much longer. SO how long took his freefall?

Not only is this a reckless move to endanger her own life, also to swerve through this much traffic it also puts many more people into dange. The trucks nearly touch, unbelievable.

Neither the US nor USSR ever deployed such a large weapon outside of a test†.

The turks are taking their own advantage out of the situation. Instead of fighting the IS back, they let them do the dirty job of getting the kurds decimated. Turkey does not want a strong kurdish minority within their borders.

that's right, he singlehandedly screws all the statistics...

I tip you over!


Why is this scarier? You see the damned thing from miles away... enough time to think of alternatives

That would fall under the "all four wheels off the track rule" by today, wouldn't it

One needs to be really careful when extracting those trees. Only stick to the trunks! If they remove the roots, the soil will go quick and erosion will kick in swiftly. As you can produce fuel out of the tiniest bit of wood, no matter how it look, the temptation is huge to also go for the wood in their root...

I guess the Indians had enough failures of their launch vehicle on tehir own. At that time the US and USSR were sending probes to Mars their schedule was much more ambitious, so their launch vehicles were not mature enough.