Fritz O' The Ham

I don’t warm up my car longer than a minute for the engine, I do it because I live in a place that is frigid in the winter, and I like getting into a warm car. 

Knowing Alex Jones, any time he says “This is real...This is happening” the safe bet is it is not real and he is lying.

The thing is, most overweight people who try to make the effort to get healthy and lose weight aren’t aware that they have an eating disorder.

Slowing down is not something I can do! Interesting idea with the pudding.

Unpopular opinion: Most people put too many chocolate chips in their cookies. I like balance to my food. If I wanted to eat chocolate, I’d have a brownie. So slow down with the “Super extreme Double Chocolate Chunk” bullshit, k?

This save wasn’t my own...

10 of the worst article types ever made:

Says the site that allows to log in with Twitter.

I’m sure this isn’t as easy of a question as I think it is...

“Apple says you can trust that connections through Private Relay are secure and free of fraud, so scammers are just presenting their traffic as coming from Apple,”

I’m an atheist who celebrates a secular version of Christmas. I enjoy the food, decorations, and getting together with family and friends. I do hate the commercial aspect of it all and avoid that as much as possible. I have young kids who also enjoy it, but I decorated before they were born, and will continue

Well, considering how big of a con artist Holmes is, it wouldn’t surprise me if she paid someone to knock her up to gain sympathy during sentencing. 

Someone who wants to help her manipulate a judge at sentencing. 

Maybe Liz made sure she got pregnant just for sympathy, but she deserves none.

Who the hell gets a woman pregnant knowing full well she’s about to start a prison term?

Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.

One of my kids once received a “nut topping” packet from mcdonalds as a treat.

Enjoy and flying Frontier don’t belong in the same sentence.

I will likely see no love from this, but it was my 1992 Pontiac Bonneville SSEi.