I was talking with my kids about this the other day, its fairly rare that this scheme is respected with new construction/roadway naming.
I was talking with my kids about this the other day, its fairly rare that this scheme is respected with new construction/roadway naming.
You know, I was thinking the same thing at least a half-dozen times just today. I’m no fan of Elon Musk, but it just seems like a constant drum beat of attacking everything related to Musk, and Tesla.
Its a beam style blade. They all do that.
Just when you thought there wasn’t more douche to be had in the world. VOILA!
We need a physical volume knob, or at the very least, a mute button.
in the OG commercial, The hamsters... Why are they wearing hats and jackets, and shoes... BUT NO FUCKING PANTS?! It’s always bothered me...
I missed, this but I would have absolutely submitted “Anki drive/Overdrive”. They were SO hot they got introduced at an apple event. There was so much promise/potential, but the company imploded, filed for bankruptcy, and whoever picked up the pieces hasn’t done much.
There is still a market for the TCR racing sets... I learned this when feeling a bit of nostalgia, I was shocked to find a thriving demand (and prices to. go with). I had a set of these when I was 10-12ish.. So around 30-35 years ago... They did work, the trouble was that basically you could turn the wheels, but you…
Manual Transmissions in normal cars.
Passing on the motherfucking right, when the left lane is open.
I wonder what the venn diagram overlap on “cars that are really expensive” and “cars that are not stored in locked garages most of the time” looks like?
The amount of privilege involved in spending 10 years just traveling around the world and then treating it like a burden is pretty rich.
That’s a loooooooooooot of catalytic converters...
“Trust me”
I have the red-headed step child of vents. The baseboard vent. It’s not a floor vent, it’s not a wall vent... ITS BOTH! They are basically forgotten by the majority of any cool new gadgetry.
You forgot the actual government as an industry that qualifies.
Based on this, most headhunters or contract recruiters would also be put in jail...
The organization behind this has taken advantage of fairly lax rules surrounding getting a new plate approved.
I made this comment in another post, its the same here. You cannot teach “give a shit”. Sure you can make it “illegal” to make a right on red, but the same people who don’t STOP FIRST currently, will be the people who will continue to go right on red. I would even argue that outlawing it would create a false…