Fritz O' The Ham

Do you work in the legal field, and are not a lawyer? I feel like there are some areas where there are very clear and long running cultures like this. I used to work for a software company that provided tools for law firms. Paralegals, and legal secretaries (along with IT, and literally any other support staff that

If both “The red pill” and “FDS” aren’t a perfect example of the whole “internet as an echo chamber, too many people smelling their own farts” concept, I don’t know what is.

I was rage skimming until I saw this section. This is so critically important. One of the things that I feel is lost is the ability to sustain your desired results. I know so many people who started good ole Atkins saying “I can never live my life without bread” and proceeded to crush the diet, losing all kinds of

The seller doesn’t give us much to go on, offering only a brief description of the car and the standard “runs and drives excellent” as a description of its current state.

every year I forget to buy candy until the morning of Halloween, and every year I go to the CVS around the corner from our house that invariably has everything 50% off or better and I buy far too much candy...

I feel like the shitty thing is, that we’re talking about the depreciation as it relates to the artificially inflated current prices.  

My dad used to do contract work for the USPS, mainly bringing stuff from a processing facility to local post offices 24x7x365 all day every day. I remember the book of policies and procedures he got when he started. My favorite part was where it instructed them how to use tiedowns for moving live scorpion shipments, be

Crematory operators ($28,420): 24.8%

I’m not trying to minimize this problem, but I’m curious as to how they do the math here. I’ve got a pretty tiny lot (~.12 acres). My “front” lawn is around 600 sq/ft and I water it and try to keep it looking nice, it was sodded around 5 years ago. Its my snooty grass...

While not “foul” per se, please remember to clean your dryer vents and and piping...  It can be pretty dangerous, along with causing your dryer to work extra hard, and be pretty inefficient 

Also, i’m guessing that buried within the TOS of every single one of those smart devices, you’re allowing them to retain and sell all of the data that they collect with the scale and the app.

Since these fuckers have so much cargo space, they should be able to fit 4 of these somewhere? 

Counterpoint (likely mostly for the less experienced scare-ers).

Came here to say this. I’m a sales engineer and often find myself monologuing about technical shit, over the years I’ve worked it into my schtick to stop and make sure everyone is still understanding. 

Be prepared for something completely unrelated to you to be the wet blanket here.

I’m 100% ok with having brief pointless meetings.  It’s the long pointless meetings that I take issue with 

Not if you live in the northeast US ;)

This works right up until your doorknobs are around 65+ years old, then you’re looking at potentially a little bit more complexity.

- Healthcare insurance

95% percent of the shit on this list is purchased by gift givers, and not by the actual parents.