Fritz O' The Ham

Seven word Article:

Buick Roadmaster Wagon. 

Carter... The idea of lounging on a couch while facing the POTUS whilst he sits behind his oval office desk seems like, just.... wrong, it’s wrong... 

How about an article for the people who are choosing not to send their kids back to school? How to deal with seeing their classmates on video, together. Understanding that they personally haven’t done anything wrong, and aren’t being punished to stay home.  

Stay strong.  

hey! Would you like to take part in our low key method of gathering data for email blast leads? We’d like to sell your personal information to as many people as we can, so they can deluge you with offers for anything from windows to libido enhancers. Also, we’re hoping that you’re some kind of influencer on social

Especially if it’s your first child, it’s hard to predict how you’ll feel in the immediate aftermath

Lest Alton Brown be mad at me for suggesting a single use tool, I’d wager that if you’re doing enough canning/bottling, having the proper tool might be worth it for $4.  

YESSSSS... I watched the show a few times, my (least) favorite part is when Joanna would bring the buyers into “her kitchen” so they could bow down at the altar of her design esthetic. Then they’d basically just make a copy of what they’d done the last 25 times.

Also, you have precious little time to actually communicate with them, because once they’re a teenager, simply looking at them is enough to send them storming out of the room in a huff...

a big mac has 33g of fat. (x6 =198g)

The time thing is big for me. My kids get up incredibly early, and I get up with them to save my wife a bit of sleep. So when I wake up at 2a and i’m like “i’ve only got 3 hours left!” it’s really difficult not to kvetch about that.


I cannot wait for the inevitable “vaccine bias”.

Jeep Conservative

Wait! You have a Herkimer Battle Jitney? That’s the finest nonlethal military vehicle ever made!


It’s also worth noting, it’s likely the more “well known” a pre-ipo company becomes, the less likely you will be able to find a way to invest, and if you do, the more expensive it will be.

nope, we want to save the texts forever, but be able to manage the attachments separately. the 7 & 30day limits just delete everything.

In the very least, i wish that apple had a more intuitive way to manage message attachments.  Right now its a huge pain in the ass.  My wife (who is a digital hoarder, like me) runs into space issues on her phone because her messages have like 40GB of attachments.  there is NO easy way to delete all the attachments