Currently I evaluate ad blockers on their ability to allow me to navigate Lifehacker and use Kinja without wanting to strangle someone.
Currently I evaluate ad blockers on their ability to allow me to navigate Lifehacker and use Kinja without wanting to strangle someone.
I LOVE that little popup window... You know why? Because typically when I take a screenshot, it’s for texting it to someone and, Apple (in their infinite wisdom) stores the screenshot in the message, AND in the photo library. It drives me freaking NUTS. So, I use that little window to take the screenshot, text it, and…
Don’t, DON’T offer any unsolicited advice....
I feel like I played this game in the arcade, and it was freaking impossible. The steering wheel had no feedback, and was incredibly touchy, so basically I paid .50 to spin out multiple times. On the off chance that I made it to the loop-the-loop, I was always going about 15 mph, and had 0 chance of completing the…
Now I have to ask... What was your last ditch method?
I mean, if you think about it, ONE single pregnant Rat getting into your house could have 10-18 pups. Three months after that, they are mature. Just that first litter could keep you quite busy...
I always joke with my wife about spraying our front yard with Bear pee, just to see if it makes the dogs whose owners let them shit on my lawn go completely nuts. Sadly, apex predator urine isn’t that economical.
Rear Fog Light
To be clear, if you catch a mouse and “relocate it”, it’s chances of survival are very low.
For a time, McDonalds discontinued the “Hot mustard” sauce. Mrs. Ham almost had an aneurysm. You can’t just like, DO that to people, y’know?
If you could die from being an asshole, we’d have been rid of him a long time ago.
There’s typically no pressure on a drain line, my guess is that they won’t likely burst. Frozen pipes are more than just a nuisance. If a feeding line bursts, you’re looking at a minimum of a big mess, and potentially thousands and thousands of dollars of water damage.
I’ve read somewhere that Apple has really pushed people to monetize their apps no matter what, and more often than not, it’s now an in app “upgrade” or my favorite the subscription.
I have a stupid question/suggestion. Come on this journey with me....
My god, i can’t tell you how many times i’ve done this. Not just with exercise, but with many other areas.
“How Not to die Alone”
I know this is a serious post, but when I read the title, i couldn’t help but envision this as something my 5 year old son would include on a very serious todo list. IE:
Find current or former employees of the company and pepper them with questions, as there’s little incentive for them to lie about their experience. If someone left their job after a number of years and still has a bad taste in their mouth, it might be a sign that the place harbored a toxic culture or might not look…
When I log into LinkedIn, more often than not, I find myself wanting to reply to ~70% of the posts “THIS ISN’T FUCKING FACEBOOK!”.