
Throwing a P-51 code, just needs a new sensor

When you’ve had the experience with flying coast-to-coast in roughly 6 hours at an at-best speed of 600+ with a tailwind as one of the seated “livestock” in a winged cattle-car, hearing about someone doing the same in 1:04:20 when it first happened was simply jaw-droppingly blow-away...

“Over $1MM invested in this build, worth $20MM+, we know what we have, no lowballers or Palestinians. Bring a trailer.”

the wide range of tasks that, say, a typical MacBook would handle.

Never trust NYU graduates. They all end up spying for Russia.

Why did Russia invade Ukraine and then deny they invaded Ukraine? Why did Russia interfere in the US election then claim they didn’t? Why did Russia try to interfere in the French election?

I googled this just last night and can’t find an answer. Why is Russia continuing to build out it’s nuclear arsenal?

What does it say about former pres Obama that used one jet to fly the first lady and family out to Hawaii a few hours before the pres himself? Michelle couldn’t wait to fly with her husband? And this scenario played out a number of times over 8 years.

Multiple meetings with world leaders and working while at Mar-a-Lago. But, that doesn’t fit the popular hate rhetoric.

The last president abused the system and the president before him and the president before him... etc. etc. etc. This is nothing new.

Mar-a-Lago seems excessive, but I’d say the majority of AF1 flights are unnecessary. When Obama came to town a couple years ago, it screwed up air and ground traffic for 4+ hours because he chose the international airport instead of the better located executive airport (with a more secure location and a similar

This morning, the dipshit Tweeted that he’s staying in New Jersey today because he doesn’t want to burden NYC with security detail costs. I cannot understand who he convinces with that sort of bullshit. The last president (and his family) took far too many frivolous trips, and I hated that, too. If people hated that,

I’ll give you Vietnam and Korea (i’d argue that those wars were hamstrung by US lawmakers rather than true military losses), but the Gulf war? Like the Persian Gulf War #1? Operation Desert Storm? The one where we kicked Saddam Hussein’s ass in week after he invaded Kuwait? The actual offensive was over in a MONTH

The SS Rattlestar Neglectica.

Because we knew so much about the F-117 and B-2 programs for the first decade of their existence(s?), right?

Well, there go the cup holders....

Seriously. Economic desperation is why people steal bread or take shitty jobs. Many people all over the world somehow manage to be poor without taking hostages at gunpoint.

I’m disappointed. You’ve made some valid points, admittedly.

I’m not familiar with international maritime law, but it seems like this situation would fall under the Castle Doctrine. Or at least something similar perhaps. This is self defense.

Lol. These guys routinely let loose with AK and RPG fire if you refuse to stop. I can say with certainty that if someone cuts loose at me with automatic rifle or anti tank rocket fire and I have access to a rifle I’m going to unload right back.