
And if you took a single one from today with all its advanced equipment onboard, it could take out all of them. Not sure what the point is exactly.

Assuming there would have to be some politics in order to have whiners and complainers about it, unlike apparently the whiners and complainers about the whiners and complainers...

With a globalized economy and more freedom of travel, the entire western world can’t help be dragged into what is essentially a Shia-Sunni civil war. So we’re all involved whether we like it or not. As the only country with a huge enough modern military, it falls to us to do most of the heavy lifting. Europe spent all

“Not having any missile defense system is guaranteeing a 100% failure rate.”

Actually, missile defense has no detrimental effect on MAD and can’t make you less safe if it *doesn’t* work.

Right. I used to get their email newsletter when they were concerned about loss of funding. Now they seem to be advocating loss of funding.

You don’t think the air defenses of Baghdad were credible in the early 90s? I sure wouldn’t have wanted to fly against them in a Gen 4 fighter.

The Soviets weren’t credible during the Cold War?

The SR-71 had over 4000 missiles fired at it without a loss. The F117 flew against the densest air defenses ever assembled at the time in the Gulf War. Once again, no losses. The one F117 loss was far more of a tactical failure than a technological one (including insider information too). Even then, it was one loss in

Did we land on the moon?

Kenji, Union of Concerned Scientists member in good standing. Just pay money and send in a form and you could be one, too!

Not having any missile defense system is guaranteeing a 100% failure rate.

The Union of Concerned Scientists wrote in a 2016 report that “Despite more than a decade of development and a bill of $40 billion, the GMD system is simply unable to protect the U.S. public.”

“The tests are often conducted in perfect conditions, for one. Also, as experts have told us in our reporting, “If you miss by an inch, you miss by a mile,” meaning anything short of a 100 percent testing percentage is failure.”

Now playing

THAAD can’t tell which missiles have warheads. That’s from their verison of Kellyanne Conway, only they don’t use that stupid-ray on their own people.

Maybe, if China stepped up and talked NK down off the nuclear armament ledge, deployment of these systems wouldn’t be necessary. The more NK arms itself and rattles its saber, the more the USA and SK have to respond and prepare.

You got better spot for them? It has to be open spot where no trees are around.

The closer they are to the border when they launch the less time there is to react on the receiving end. Pushing the launch sites back would interfere with that.

The fact you believe this.... shows just how crazy you are... you honestly believe that Trump would launch a preemptive nuclear strike? I get that you don’t like Trump, I get that the man is an idiot... but you actually think he wants to end the world? No, no he does not. No one does, and EVERYONE including Trump,

English? please...