
Thats the equivalent of the US during the Mercury program having a test vehicle explode on a test launch and saying, “welp, rockets arent 100 percent so lets abandon the space program altogether.” That is in itself unacceptable.

Yay!! FA is now a political shit show and is on the fast track to a maher show. And now I will show myself out and lock the door on the way out. FU FA.

Not to make light of real landings on a carrier, but that game was a nail biter for a little kid like me in the 80's. That game was awesome!

We do publish our shortcomings because we are not afraid of them. We learn from them and do not hide them like the russians. Besides, we do not have to hide from them because we have enough things we do right all the time.

This is so correct and logical that the ones who need to hear and understand this fact, cannot process it. It literally blows their minds. Cheers.

By your own arguement you admit you are born, i.e. brainwashed into your own system and cannot see outside your own box. Go home...

You have still given your friend the money for your lunch and coffee!! More importantly, you could have more efficiently spent that money on your own choice of lunch and coffee. I do not care how you look at it, it is still taxes paid by us and spent by the govt on healthcare and unemployment and it NEEDS to change.

This comment was one of the dumbest I have ever read.

“They dont cross the border by foot either”. You are either a troll or just blindly ignorant.

Literally the dumbest comment in this thread so far, and that says a lot.

It’s not.

They did not CHOOSE to seal the autopsy. It is international law that we must comply with that regulates his diplomatic immunity, even after his death. It’s a very simple thing to understand, and you seem to have trouble grasping that.

*Then. Obviously you are not one of them either.

We fund it plenty, its the beuracracy that dropped the ball. Just look at education and welfare programs, money does not fix the problem, people do.

The critical systems are hardened against emp. Just like pretty much all large expensive military hardware...

The mossion of our government is to make life better for Americans, not all people....

Ouch... Have some respect man.

You are so far off it is disgusting. The US has been, and continues to be the leader in being humane on the battlefield. No offense but if you disagree you have been reading too much russian news...

Obamas would be him bent over in doggy style getting f@$#%d by pootin on wheels. I support none of them btw.

Hes full of shit and doesnt have any.