
I concur, but my experience in carrier landings is limited to the 1980's hit on the NES Top Gun......

We are not in a war. And yes, we do publish things like aircraft failures during peacetime. Especially when you are training with other nations. It’s not like you can hide it then anyway.

AI is being introduced through Magic Carpet, a system which controls the Super Hornets throttles and control surfaces. F-35C has a more advanced version called Direct Lift Control.   


Can you do it? Have you done it? Have you been in the navy? Are you a pilot? Do you have any frame of reference to dissuade me from the notion that you’re armchair quarterbacking something you don’t know about and doing it in a less than respectful manner to an aviator who could’ve lost his life in service to his

Yeah, but Goose dies...

Where are you going to see hundreds of small fast attack boats? Short of weaponizing every small craft in Florida, it’s not a realistic threat in those numbers.

Not true. (Navy Vet. Tico class Cruiser)

We pulled into (anchored off shore of) Salinas, Ecuador for a port visit. It was a crappy port visit anyway, it was the off season there and most business were closed. The Pacific wasn’t living up to it’s name, we were taking 10 - 15 degree rolls the entire time. Since we

The more technologically sophisticated something is, the more fragile it is.

Great article, im surprised to know that many think an aircraft carrier travels alone. It almost never does. Its escorted by a multitude of ships and subs, There are several layers of defenses that would need to be taken out before a carrier becomes vulnerable. Pic as an example.

Short answer, maybe, but it will be expensive and have a casusalty rate of near 100% of the opposing force.

This is what we do best; operate outside the box.

You do realize that the president is the CINC right? You’re essentially saying that Obama fucked the military in the ass for eight years, now look at how terribly ran the military is. Shame! Here’s the kicker though, despite best efforts, our military is still the strongest, most agile, most competent force in the

So we have all these problems with aging military equipment and readiness, which would seem to indicate we need to spend more to replace equipment and increase training? And at the same time, the defense budget steadily declined during the Obama administration (down about $100 billion from 2010 to 2015), which has

No you’re not. Not in the least.

F-35s are going to Europe.

When the risk of allowing something is losing equipment to the tune of tens of millions of dollars and who knows how many people, I don’t think the Navy cares about percentages.

I think 1 fire on a sub probably is enough.

Some people get a bang out of vaping.