
Except the US just attacked the base that attacked the children. Big difference.


The satellite images appear to show multiple Sukhoi Su-22 “Fitter” ground attack aircraft, which may have been used in the attack:

We, as in not just the Us, have been bombing sites in Syria for over a year. What the fuck are you on about?

Okay. But. Where in Syria are these missiles going to land? On more innocent people? Or do we actually have a plan....?

Dear NATO and the U.N., We did exactly what should have been done the first time chemical weapons were used in Syria by Assad.

P.S. It could have already been over years ago sparing thousands of civilian lives. U.N., Please get your head out of your ass and prove that you are still relevant.

Signed, The U.S.

Syrian Air Force airfields, which may still contain chemical weapon stockpiles.

They targeted Syrian military air fields. They aren’t just dropping them randomly.

Bulldog, while you are correct, it’s pointless trying to argue with snowflakes who have no historical perspective because they never learned history.

Let’s also be realistic. If the US pulls defensive support from South Korea, the Japanese will happily shoot down any missile that threatens a population center. And they have the ability with their Aegis equipped destroyers.

It’s a defensive weapons system, to protect the South Koreans (and Japanese) from nuclear weapons. Trying to appease the Kim dynasty is pointless.

If Kim decides to make an offensive move, South Korea is going to be the battleground. It doesn’t matter if the US has forces deployed there or not.

And I debunked that theory.

North Korea does not have the miniaturization ability to create nuclear artillery rounds yet.

THAAD, like Iron Dome is meant to take out only the high priority targets. There is still nothing to stop artillery from raining on Seoul if the fighting starts. At least we can rest assured an NK missile with a nuke would be unlikely to detonate at its target.

You have the cause and effect completely reversed. Lack of resources and desperation are age-old catalysts of armed conflict as oppoused to effective obstacles to them.

sure, cannot feed its people, but sure as hell can lob enough weapons into South to kill scores there. The North knows it has no end game, its an all or nothing approach. Plus, “hey you’ll get to eat lots of food once you’re in the South” can be a huge troop motivator.

You mean every president? This isn’t new, nor something that’s happened because Trump has taken office.

Excellent article Mr. Wetzel! A clear-eyed and informative analysis of the facts on the ground, without any political posturing or unfounded leaps of logic or speculation. This is what FA needs more of.