You do realize half the population felt the same way you do when oblama was elected? Right? Just because you dont agree with him, does not make you correct...
You do realize half the population felt the same way you do when oblama was elected? Right? Just because you dont agree with him, does not make you correct...
Nobody cares. Have a great day.
Go die in a fire. Oblama is gone.. You should be too.
You must spend your free time just making this shit up... get a hobby.
For fucks sake, hyperbole much?
I hear you, but you need to understand he represents the vibe that we conservatives get from liberals. It's not something we are willing to bend to. We want nothing to do with people like skillbilly. We know you don't all act like that but it is an overwheling feature of the left that we deal with and is your biggest…
Are you mentally retarded or just stupid? Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and they all stink.
Go fuck yourself. You piece of shit.
Why would anybody do that? We don't like to loop shit.
No one is going to hover within manpads range.... ugh. You must be one of those never f35ers...
They fixed that.
Except that they were never "anti-gay", only pro christian but you people cant wrap you feeble minds around that. Go play in traffic.
You guys are still blaming Bush. Haha you're the exact puppet you paint Bush as, you are the meat puppet!
You people make me laugh. Always critisizing wealthy and successful individuals as if you would just give away your money if you ever came in to some. Like your shit dont stink. Grow up.
Nobody killed them you ignorant prick. They ran into a jet and died. It was the male drivers fault yet somehow you are blaming the authorities... They shouldnt have run in the first place.
Multiple gramatical errors and cursing make you sound very biased against comcast and capitalism as a whole. Give it some time and googles product will drive the price down on its own. I also suggest you get some relaxation time. It sounds like you need it.
Get a life....
Go die in a fire and find your own blog....
Seems like a handy way to spot one from the air, or space...
Say shenanigans one more god damn time....