Its only black sites. No white sites matter to the media or black sites....
Its only black sites. No white sites matter to the media or black sites....
Your presence here is tiresome. Go find a job, or a life.
This comment wins.
Keep drinking the kool-aid that bernie and hilldog keep feeding you lmao
The pak fa_ilure and your economy are both a joke.
Are you seriously kidding me? It comes down to facets and small reflections on the tiniest of details. The Raptor is decades ahead of the pak failure.
Haha. Good joke. They reduced their order to 12 and only have built what, 2? Hahah thanks for the laugh!
Ew.... No they aren't....
Does it matter if its just for bragging rights?
The draft is needed in times of great trouble. You want a country to give you freedom and “free” healthcare etc you should be willing to defend it. Go back to liberal arts school....
Theyshould absolutely have to. If they want the same combat rights, they get the same draft rights... Period.
Its funny because it shows them with siberian hiskies, but it was the russians who tried to eliminate them. I forget names but there were many who brought ships of them to Alaska to save the breed. It was an interesting read.
You want a toe? I can get you a toe...
Oh you’re gonna be that guy......
But the F-35 cant do anything let alone snow or weather!!!!!! Haha lol. Haters always gonna hate. Go F-35.
Yes, please fuck off.
Spot on Buzz
Wow. Somebody disagrees with you so they must be awful. You’re pathetically predictable.