
Yeah, that makes sense. They give the guy a break on the surgery costs (agree that 600 is pretty reasonable for surgery), and then he still can’t make the lower price and doesn’t seem that inclined to pay it off.

Gotta feel for that dog, though. Poor guy.

Oh honey. Figuring how to borrow millions they can’t pay back is usually the only skill rich people have.

There was a story awhile back about a black student in primary school who filled out one of those chipper, energetic primary school quizzes that had questions like “What country did your ancestors come from?” and “Why did they come to America?” (I think the answers were “I don’t know, they were slaves,” and “They

Though as far as I know he spent most of his life doing academic deskwork, John Kenneth Galbraith got it: once you’ve worked on a farm, nothing else is work.

Huh, usually it’s the A-sample that gets all the promotional efforts.

I mean, at least one of them should run for the Senate.

With respect, I don’t think you’ve spent much time around American doctors.

With respect, I don’t think you’ve spent much time around American doctors.

Anytime I’m about to feel smart because I have a PhD, I try to remind myself that Carter Page has one too.

Man, get your racism out of here. If someone has committed a serious crime or terrorist act, then let the many agencies we have for investigating those things do so. We don’t need an extra-special agency for investigating the super-terrorism/crime committed by immigrants, and it’s only Republican xenophobia and

“ICE’s operational scope is similar to the FBI and the DEA, both of which are members of the intelligence community.”

Oh hell no. I’m not granting the racists that particular false equivalency. Even in the case of actual honest-to-God recent adult illegal immigration and not stuff like visa snafus, the “crime”

I believe the original name is the Hagia Spinnia.

Ugh, you false equivalent faux realists are the worst. Since Obamacare was less generous than traditional single-payer health schemes, the Democrats are basically morally equivalent to Republicans and you might as well not vote.

Forget that mess. Incremental positive change is much, much better than nothing. Ask the

Also, Tobias Harris is on like his fifth team. I say this as a Milwaukee Bucks fan who was firmly convinced he was going to become a star five years ago: he’s not going to become a star.

+1 for the yumuşak g.

When the revolution comes, I guarantee that everyone in this picture will be in the first thousand up against the wall...and this rest of us will be happily supplied by Gun Runner.

Pretty sure it was a typo, but “disingenious” as a word for hypocrisy that crosses over into brilliance is pretty great.

I mean, you have to admit that’s an awkward transition. “Sadly, not all sexual encounters are as consensual as Aaron’s and Danica’s.”

“Likely made in bad faith” should be the new trademark symbol attached to every statement from a Republican.