
It’s hard to yell at people about going to the doctor when a huge reason a bunch of people don’t go is because they have shit-ass insurance, or they have good-ish insurance but everything is still stupidly expensive and the entire medical insurance industry is fucked.

He did. He really, really did.

So, Democrats running in Texas must refuse all oil & gas contributions, because of purity test expectations.

If it’s an unrealistic purity test to expect Texas politicians to refuse fossil fuel executives’ money, why did O’Rourke make a pledge to refuse fossil fuel executives’ money?

If it’s a necessity, why sign a pledge saying he wouldn’t do it? Lack of foresight isn’t a positive quality in a potential presidential candidate.

OK the Pinocchio thing is kind of lame but I will take the Washington Posts efforts over the New York Times fellating of the right wing any day.

The “uh, no” was mostly objecting to the OP’s notion that Prachi was saying that the black writer was “coerced” into having a white perspective or whatever.

So, according to Prachi, the black writer is guilty of having a white perspective about Indian people, and the implication is that she (the writer) was tricked/coerced/pressured into adopting a white perspective by her white editors and or the institutionalized whiteness of the Cut as an organization.

Seriously, if they said that an 70 year old and an 80 year old got jobs in a hospital accounting department and erased they debt that way, I would have started a go-fund-me account for their bail money.

Ditto. I don’t know anything about her, but I know that “bonafide Bollywood star” tops “Jonas brother” any day of the week in terms of fame.

It’s really crazy because when I talk to some Americans about institutional racism in Asian and African countries, some people just can’t seem to understand that non-white people can commit those actions.  They can only view such issues through the US lens.

Came here to say that.  The insinuation that a black woman can’t be racist and/or xenophobic and/or out of touch is incredibly bizarre.  

As penance, you should un-gray 10 regular readers today.

Great take. It’s so off the wall, it can’t be anything but true. 

Yet another opportunity why we can look at a common term, think about it for a second, and realize its origins are probably racist (and if they’re not, it feels racist in context) and we shouldn’t use it anymore. Does everyone who uses the term “gyped” mean it racistly? Probably not. Does that mean we should still use

If you’re on national TV, it’s probably a reasonable expectation that you at least put your words through a large-grit filter.

It stopped being unfortunate word choice when rather than saying “opps sorry didn’t think of context let me rephrase” he got defensive and attacked while trying to spin it as liberals being unreasonable about him using racist expressions 

Just because something is familiar to you doesn't mean it isn't racist. 

a relatively common adjective among Southerners of a certain age”

Can you imagine having a life so devoid of shit to do that you could even begin to give a rat's ass about someone selling water without a permit? The mind boggles.