
Honestly I’ve never liked him until you said that.  

This is such a weird argument. 

Holy cow, I think I got unverified!  I wonder what I did to be back in the grays? 

You can’t just up-end the basic principles of liability because big banks are bad

I’m totally interested in this too. But tough to answer the question without knowing what the media environment is going to be like, which, who knows (like, will Youtube exist in ten years?) It’s tough for me to think that the authenticity effect that’s essential to making this kind of personalized advertising

He was 20, a remarkably old age for otters, which usually live to be around 15.

This is weirdly angry, dude — no need to take out your self-resentment on a guy making a pretty basic and correct point.

I mean, this seems unlikely to work, but props to them for at least trying something different. 

“I’m only surprised that you’re surprised” is as always the worst take. No need to insult the author to make the point that yes, there was a British empire that treated other indigenous populations badly.

I’m not sure why you think this is a defense of your point, which seems to substantively repeat the objection while sticking “uh, no” in front of it.

You and I have very different definitions of “lenient.” Mine would say drop the charges and tell this lady not to vote again.

Dear God, I just realized that the next ten years of American public policy debates are going to absolutely inundated with “ACTUALLY that’s capitalism/you’re a secret capitalist” debates. Kill me now.

It’s really a shame there couldn’t be a more thoughtful exchange about it, because it seems like an important moral question. The moral praise of Rose isn’t crazy: the background assumption is that resilience is a virtue, and that there’s something to be admired in the sustained self-control he’s exerted. On the

So this is the part of your answer I find kinda scary: “you will get zero sympathy from me when you do that shit. You’re a trash person if you do it.””

I mean, parking in a handicap spot is a dick move, no question (like, walk the extra twenty feet from a normal spot, dude), and he deserved a ticket. But seriously,

I think this was more a case of unfortunate word choice (and intentional bad-faith interpretation)“

Yeah, fair enough. As always, fuck capitalism.

I don’t think any of this is wrong, but I don’t it contradicts the article. The key point of connection is this phrase: “when you get tired of them choose something else.” Another way to put that point is: don’t be afraid to make big changes in your life.

This, plus a training montage and “Eye of the Tiger”, would make exactly the version of “Rocky” we need for Trump’s America.

Did you just say there was no need to repeat your thoughts, and then repeat your thoughts?