
The Bucks need to think about what happened to the Thunder. It ultimately only took a few years of ineffective coaching and cheap ownership to drive Durant away, and they had much more residual goodwill to hold things together.

I mean, ensuring that one avoids possible human interaction so that all the technology in one’s life continues to function smoothly...isn’t this a Black Mirror episode?

Wait a minute. They’re getting a chance to be the most powerful and influential person in the world, and you’re worried about what’s fair to *them*?

“One animal that goes insane, or is physically harmed by being placed in a zoo is bad enough for me.”

Yeah, I don’t agree with this — I think it’s too high a standard. Animal suffering and death is too common a feature of the natural world. I was thinking about the Nat Geo pictures of the polar bear, for instance.

I don’t think this is wrong, exactly, but the market certainly supports zoos. And as long as we’re not all vegetarians (I’m a pescetarian who eats chicken) it’s tough for me to say that zoos should be banned.

On the list of our moral failures in animal treatment, zoos are imho pretty low.


Good on you with the positive energy and the concrete action. Pessimism of the intellect, optimism of the will.

I would read a splinter think piece on conservatives doing things “as a joke.”

I mean...the guy worked for Stephen Miller. While I agree that the young man in question is probably poorly informed about the meaning of various gestures to various groups, and about the nature of the world more generally, I suspect contemporary white supremacist signifiers is something he knows quite a bit about.

Hang on. Can we get a show of hands from the PhDs hanging out in the Splinter comments?

I think you mean “tenet,” but “tenant” is a pretty hilarious interpretation of the relationship between politics and religion.

Jesus. A simple “awkward” would have sufficed.

I’ve been around strikes for awhile now, and it never fails that anytime someone proposes one, supposed allies turn up to talk political philosophy and the legacy of socialism and everything that isn’t actually doing something. Take your concern trolling somewhere else, buddy.

Huh. Have hockey goalies always been able to use catcher’s gloves instead of regular mitts? That seems a little unfair.

Of course I see your point, but this overlooks the game theory logic that underlies nuclear scenarios (and which is drilled into the nuclear chain of command).

What keeps everyone from firing their missiles is the knowledge that the second one person fires, the opponent will instantly retaliate. And since first

Why on earth is his twitter handle theborisdiaw, and not leborisdiaw?

Presumably all the “more likely” voters think this is made up fake news intended to bring down the godly firebrand ol’ Roy.

I’d be interested to read a follow-up poll that didn’t describe the allegations as allegations, but instead asked, “if these claims are true, would you be more likely to support?” The people who

Good for them. As it happens, Alabama has interpreted the key question “How low can you go?” in a more metaphorical and less-highlight-worthy fashion.

And you know what they say about not chasing the ball while you claim it was just ordinary play...MEN LIE WOMEN LIE BALL DON’T.