Are you arguing that we shouldn't be upset at the legal system in this case only, or overall? Because there are innocence projects for a reason.
Are you arguing that we shouldn't be upset at the legal system in this case only, or overall? Because there are innocence projects for a reason.
They didn't have to arrest him. But they could have held him in custody pending further questions about how to record the situation for filing purposes. Or how about holding him until identifying the dead kid and contacting his parents?
Europe exported this system to their colonies.
Agreed. Also, she's definitely had a nose job...or that is also what's been adjusted.
Whew. I'm so glad I was not not making sense. Thanks for hanging.
I guess I'm in disagreement with the idea that everyone is a little racist. I align racism with institutional oppression. As a person of color, I do not have access to institutions to carry out inequities based on any prejudiced beliefs I might have. So I think everyone is a little prejudiced, and could be bigoted,…
See, I take issue with "we're all a little racist" because it implies that responsibility for racism lies with everyone, and that we should be colorblind, or confront our differences type thing. I'm all for confronting ignorance, which I think is what fuels our prejudices. But racism, that's something else. As a…
Well, when Olivia Pope showed up, she was sent to the kitchen to be properly dressed for the event. That's what happened to the PR team...
Sorry that there could potentially be another side, but, well, that's how a lot of this goes. Again, I don't know what happened, nor can a trial, or evidence tell me what happened...because I wasn't there. That's just a fact, and clear issue with criminal trials. I believe it to be impossible to know. And you know…
What's the reason for going after the African dudes, then?
And since no one was there, no one can say for sure what her involvement was. They shared a living space, they interacted. And a woman was brutally killed. Where's the outrage for that?! For her! What about her family? They have no answers. They are trying to make peace with not knowing why their daughter, and…
I'm also equally baffled by your take on this. Supporting the action is an implicit support for the actors. Rather than support an action that could, potentially, give a perception that I am aligned with a group that takes other actions I do not support, I am more comfortable sticking with above the board groups that…
The logical response to such a terrible situation is to ensure that doctors and providers perform medicals service according to high standards so that this never happens again, not to completely remove the service. But I can't even...
I wouldn't equate Anonymous with the Catholic church. After all, the are church leaders or representatives who can be confronted with policy decisions. I also wouldn't equate vigilantism with not handing out condoms in Africa (you actually don't need to go that far — many US municipalities, and Catholic facilities in…
Seatosky is absolutely right. This is about philosophy, and your logic isn't tight. Anonymous is deciding who is worthy of their "good" deeds. Based on the two victims they have decided to help, I'm not comfortable with the message that there are some victims worth standing up for, and others that are not. The problem…
So anytime the Confederate flag is mentioned or referenced, it is impossible to separate it from the complete view of history that includes black people as chattel (see what I did there, I didn't say slavery. oops! almost, sorry!). It's understandably why the country music world and Fox News and friends want to squash…
Yeah, I hear that, and I don't consume the celebrity stuff corporations push (en masse, anyway), but it is part of how entertainers are able to be paid, and for those at the top, quite highly. It is the beast.
Yeah, cause no celebrity has ever, or currently is doing any of that stuff...