Maybe it’s you. You should just stay in.
Maybe it’s you. You should just stay in.
It’d be great if she could recognize how other actresses not even considered, including women of color as an extinction of her pay equity battles. But we know these intersections aren’t usually considered by those with privilege.
Amen. There is also the Safety Pin box subscription, if it’s genuine.
Yeah, but in her case, a US society backed those facts upon an entire race for generations. Power is what makes rewriting facts more harmful, and one directional.
The fact that you ask this question says a lot. It wouldn’t take much to find out that Kap has been super active.
More like “Privileged, accomplished old white woman”, and it’s completely ridiculous to think she knows how to address anything experienced by a group of people she doesn’t belong to anymore than anyone else. There are scholars who have come up with policies that should be consulted in this area. I’m guessing she…
Whatever he may be (he has said he is black biracial, I believe that), he has black children without a doubt. He has an interested in making sure his children aren’t gunned down for minor violations.
Check out her music. Very unique voice.
Why do white mass shooters get due process, and get to stay alive, but black males deserve no further consideration beyond their alleged crimes?
What does “people like her” mean? I guess I have an idea, but let’s spell it out. Also, agendas are good to have so that people know where you stand. I would guess, from this comment, your agenda is formed by conservative leaning news organizations.
And you’d be incorrect.
If you care to be informed, and not incorrect about the vast number of natural hair styles, you’d find out. I visit a lot. YouTube is a great resource for step by step. Anyway, I doubt your interest is geniune, but posting for others.
I guess we need hopeful people. But I think without white feminists acknowledging that racism informs their work each time an issue is being “fought” or maybe just knowing this is a given from jump and reflexively/actively insuring women of color are consulted, included, visible, and have shared control of agenda and…
There are Asian women that actually have really curly hair. Also, there are now a ridiculously number of websites to show women with natural hair how to style their hair. You literally have to go out of your way to avoid them. So if you don’t want to do it yourself, you can just tell your stylist about a youtube video…
How long do you think we should give students, fashion magazines, fashion lines to get educated? It’s just that it seems people of color always need to extend a lot of benefit of the doubt to everyone else, but we don’t don’t get it extended to us ever. It’s very white privilege-y to say that, in 2015, with the…
This makes me want to watch the episode again. Thanks. Really.
Right?! I can’t wait for this gif...
Trump is such a Kardashian.
I’m a Chicagoan, and I approve these images.
Mainly White, some black people don’t get the shock, outrage, betrayal, wtf that black people have every right to feel when someone LIES about being black and is all up (front and center) in your causes. Like, it’s allowed. She reduced being black to wigs, and spray tan. Who knew it was so simple?!