Yeah I make an oyster-and-chestnut stuffing and a sausage stuffing that is the shit. Stuffing on turkey sandwiches the following day is also a strong move.
Yeah I make an oyster-and-chestnut stuffing and a sausage stuffing that is the shit. Stuffing on turkey sandwiches the following day is also a strong move.
The move isn’t unstoppable, but the mix up and mind games between high level players is what produces this action. For instance, if we were playing rock-paper-scissors and I kept throwing rock over and over, the easy move would be for you to throw paper to beat me, but what if every time I threw a rock, you thought I…
Only one of them didn’t commit a crime.
She’s findomming him! It all makes sense now.
LoL yOuR iDioCy kNOws nO bOUnDs
His voluntary retirement literally set the standard until FDR broke tradition. Then they amended it to Washington’s standard.
Like why save Goodell here? They are miffed at Jerry swinging his dick around and also trying to appear like they’re proud, professional men, but they should really be quietly backing Jerry cuz they can just let ol’ Rog walk and pay the next guy peanuts. Rog might be making them money, but not because of any special…
Yes? I don’t know to which of my replies you’re responding (sigh, Kinja) but I was trying to not frame this discussion about flirting in such a black and white manner. If two coworkers are mutually attracted to each other and one asks the other to grab a drink after work, while at work, I don’t see an issue with it.…
Why do you worry so much about your female coworkers conspiring to frame you? Probably because you’re a creep.
You understand that this shit doesn’t exist in a vacuum, right? Just think about the context in the office surrounding this situation. If he were truly innocent of the alleged harassment, a genuine good person, don’t you think he would be MUCH more vociferous in his own defense? Instead, he offered a weak ass…
Just like they wasted money on the myriad investigations into Benghazi after the first couple came back negative. The worst part of this is knowing most of these dumb republican congressmen literally watch this shit on fox news, then hitch up their pants, puff up their chests and decide to do something about it, then…
I agree it was heartfelt, but why do all apologies these days come with a “to all those I offended”? Can’t it just be “I apologize to Ms. Nyong’o” and “I’m deeply sorry.”
It’s a bit age dependent, but I generally don’t see work relationships do well, especially if you work closely with one another, however I wish you the best of luck! I personally don’t ever date coworkers because the potential drama isn’t worth it; there are plenty of women out there who don’t work with me.
I guess I don’t know how strictly you define flirting. If two coworkers are casual and friendly with each other and there’s mutual attraction, I don’t see how they get from that to dating without there being some form of flirting at work, even if it was just to get her number or ask her on a date.
He could’ve replaced it with dozens of words to contrast it with Erdogan and have it be acceptable. “American man,” “fellow NBA player,” “non-ruthless-Dictator,” “nice family man,” “Arthur-lover,” “flopper.”
I know where you’re coming from, but I kind of agree with SandlotJones here. Sexual harassment is difficult to hard-code into policy and instances where employers have rendered decisions strictly based on the rulebook usually end up feeling unfair.
MGTOWs are the saddest creatures on earth. Like their whole philosophy is “if all us NICE GUYS remove ourselves from the dating pool, eventually these girls, brainwashed by society to only desire Chads, will realize their folly and chase after us!!!111" EL. OH. FUCKING. EL.
UGH. People who say “Oh! I’m a hugger!” creep me the fuck out. I’m not some obsessive don’t-touch-me guy, but I have no need to hug strangers or people I just fucking met. We can shake hands or high five, or (because I’m Asian I suppose), we can slightly bow our heads and/or bodies and warmly tell each other it was…
You guys always crack me up. The entire reason this problem has existed unchecked for decades, centuries even, is that there is no hard proof. What if your male boss said some highly inappropriate shit to you that made you uncomfortable? If you tell HR, it’s a he-said-he-said situation. Where’s your proof?
Come on, it’s ridiculous to think Kirkman is a red herring. For what reason? You’re suggesting she had a grand plan to make up a story about some comedian, then when others speculated her story was likely about Louis CK - based on other rumors already circulating - she suddenly deleted the podcast, then clammed up and…