Fried Yard Bird

Kirkman did tell her story. On her podcast. Death and Taxes then speculated about who her story was about. Jezebel then reported about the Death and Taxes post. In what world was Jez undermining her story? They literally reported that another blog reported about her own story on her own podcast.

I feel Jez/GMG/Gawker hold a place in media/journalism that is important specifically because “traditional” news publications like NYT/WaPo cannot cross a certain line, but that line needs to be crossed by someone to get the ball moving.

Point taken. But, I personally don’t like how overly-pious traditional sports has become with regards to taunting. Grabbing your genitalia in traditional sports would get you in trouble only because the leagues don’t want viewers to see all of that, but I guarantee you players say “suck it” or worse to each other all

Taunting in most games comes with a downside, which is what makes them worth doing because the victim knows you did something with zero upside just to rub it in a little. Street Fighter 3: Third Strike had built in taunts for every character and some players would use them after a knockdown to taunt rather than get

This is a moronic take. Teabagging in a video game is the equivalent of mimicking a ref’s first down motion after a critical third down conversion, or running down the court in basketball with both hands flashing three fingers after a clutch three-pointer, or any number of harmless taunts players do all of the time.

Poor people aren’t any lazier or more irresponsible than other people, they just have shittier circumstances. Would you trade your job (and your healthcare costs due to your wage) for being poor? Sure, you’d have free health insurance, but you wouldn’t have any money to live in the place you do, eat and drink what you

This stems from Americans’ (white people) inability to order or eat a different culture’s food properly. I’ve seen a family at a Chinese restaurant all order their own entrees and NOT share with each other. Do you really need to eat two pounds of General Tso’s Chicken? You don’t want to try any of her Lo Mien or his

These rubber cutting boards are the industry standard in nearly every professional kitchen I’ve worked. They don’t absorb flavors, don’t warp, and are easier on your knife edge. It doesn’t feel as good as a good wood board, but it’s far easier to maintain.

These rubber cutting boards are the industry standard in nearly every professional kitchen I’ve worked. They don’t

Both of you are so right. My sister (we’re Asian) still tells people a story from when she was a teenager and we had a relative visiting from Asia, who asked her if she was dating anyone, then before she answered, whispered to her to not date black boys because they were dangerous. Her good friend at the time was

Yeah, but depending on the shower head and location of controls, you’ll get sprayed with the cold water that’s still in the pipe between the main water line and the shower head.

It’s how you were raised. Growing up, we had a detachable, hand held shower head so my move was to let water warm up via the tub faucet, pull down the shower head and point downwards, then flip the switch. It wasn’t till many years later I learned from a roommate to just turn on the shower and let it warm up while you


I agree with you for the most part, but one subtle distinction that adds a bit of nuance is that Deadspin largely celebrates offensive players trucking hapless defenders, which is slightly different from an illegal hit on a helpless receiver or a QB getting wrecked while throwing because it’s usually head on and both

Because the legal system sucks at this? Powerful men sexually abuse people precisely because they know they can game the legal system.

Eh, that could have potentially made the Celtics’ position worse, if Thomas’s camp leaked that info. Ainge did him dirty by trading him period, but he didn’t antagonize Thomas during the process, if that makes sense.

These guys can cut a ton of weight in a short period of time, so if the weigh-ins were periodic and scheduled, they’d just be cutting more times before the fight than once at the end. There’s no budget for random weigh-ins when most MMA fighters make peanuts.

He’d be Paul Ryan if he had more ambition than posting on Gawker, just as clueless about how the world works, clutching his dog-eared copy of Atlas Shrugged. I’m just asking him questions and using his answers to defeat his previous positions without making any of my own. Keeps the rage down.

Yes, exactly! Companies change their price structure independent of tax rates. Glad we agree.

You just stated that the reason a corporation chooses to increase or decrease prices is because of their competition, not tax rates. What do you think will happen if a corporation chooses to increase their price because of a tax hike and their closest competitor does not?

Right, there you go, answering your own questions. They may raise prices, they may not, depends what their competitors do.