Fried Yard Bird

Doesn’t look good, but let’s be honest, if he really wanted to hurt them, he would’ve called the cops on them.

FYI, Mr. Blank: A Toter 64-gallon wheeled commercial trash can easily capable of holding a coach’s body is located at aisle 56, bay 005 at the Midtown Home Depot in Atlanta.

Yeah, I can’t see what Sanchez was so pissed about. I mean it was an obvious make up call, but dude, you just lied about foul tipping a ball you didn’t get close to, and the umpire knows it. He should have already been out, and definitely should have expected to not get any close calls, and this pitch was close

Kind of unprofessional not to do it first thing in the morning, and instead wait until he was two hours into eating tape.

Yeah but Watson just has the natural born ability to read a defense. That’s god-given.

Jared Goff knows all that stuff also and could easily explain to reporters the coverage of any team playing them ... with his earpiece in.

Mike Minor has always been childish.

The ironic thing about base-2 advocates is that many of them never get there.

The Paterno/McQueary conversation as it plays out in the fevered imaginations of Gladwell, Jenkins, et al:

A wiser man than I summed him up best- Gladwell writes books for people who don’t read books.

He’ll address those inconsistencies in his upcoming book, Not Only Just the Tip-ping Point

Simmons: Right.

In Gladwell’s defense, the Penn State coaching staff and administration probably spent more than 10,000 hours raping children and ignoring it, so he’d have to reject the entire premise of one of his own books if he didn’t recognize their expertise in the field.

Cum On, Feel The Noize!

The thing is, most people are convinced the system is rigged. They figure the winners are pre-determined and there are so many people conspiring to fuck them over that going to the voting booth barely even matters.

I think the broader point is that people need to learn that one-size-fits-all management doesn’t always work for situations where you need people at their best. Shit, the Marine Corps, who you think would be all about absolute dominant leadership, teach their young NCOs about different forms of leadership, and that

But do you think that the government should be in the business of telling you what kind of lightbulb you can have?

“Sir, this is an empty room”