Love how this asshole Sheriff, when asked if he supports the sign’s message, blithely stated that he’s a Republican and believes in Republican values. What exactly are Republican values and how does Trump represent those values?
According to the espn article I read, half of the signing bonus was due next Monday and the rest in a few months, so it looks like they’re only on the hook for one game check.
I don’t think the actual age matters as much as if their age is affecting their mental ability. After all, Sanders is older than Biden, but nobody is talking about his mind because he sounds like an intelligent, thoughtful person.
I’ve read through your responses in this thread and I still don’t understand why you’re admonishing Burneko and everyone else who’s replied for attacking Biden. If elected, would he pick more competent advisors and comport himself better than Trump? Yes, of course, but that’s more a condemnation of how low this…
The initial call was 50-50 I’d say. I think the non-call was correct. The defender who cleared the ball knew Lloyd was behind her and being marked by her teammate, but she never even looks at Lloyd. She’s looking at the ball the entire play because she knows her teammate is marking Lloyd. Lloyd’s offside position…
Also, in heavy-but-moving congestion on the highway (like 20-30 mph avg), morons who insist on keeping a 4-car length gap in front of them, but will hard brake in order to keep the gap! Like what the fuck, the point of keeping the gap and coasting is so you don’t have to stop-and-go every 10 seconds. It’s like they’re…
Eh, the next time the Jupiter police do a sting, they might tighten up their processes. The judge who granted the Jupiter police the original wire tap might not want egg on his face again when he sees the next warrant. In the thousands of warrants approved across the country, even if just a handful get narrowed or…
In your original post, you stated “there is no justice, there is only a price” which I took to mean Kraft did not get the justice he deserved because he was rich and could afford to pay for lawyers. If that was your point, did he or the other men ensnared by an unconstitutional warrant truly deserve justice? I mean,…
Although I would’ve loved to see Kraft get even more embarrassed by this situation, I’m happy that the judge threw out the evidence because the police overreached their authority and rendered their own evidence inadmissible.
I never liked that joke. Prima Nocta is legalized rape. Not cool, Tony.
East Asian tourists = Mainland China tourists. The rest of the Chinese diaspora, Koreans, and Japanese are typically very polite.
Right, the problem is Amazon, though obviously morally corrupt, is working within the framework of the laws in America. The independent contractor class of worker has been highly exploited and it’s the government’s job to close these loopholes. WWE wrestlers are somehow still independent contractors too, even though…
It sucks when your team loses to away-goals, but it promotes better play during the tie. You often see in world cup matches or domestic cup matches that go to PKs, if teams are drawn in the second half, they both tend to shut down and play super conservatively, rather than risk attacking and conceding on a counter. Wit…
It’s the dough and the level of thinness. It’s not a thin crust pizza, those tend to be too thin and crackly. Neapolitan style pizzas can be too thin and soft, not enough chew. Bad “NY style” pizzas in other states (including where I live in Colorado) are often too thick, too much dough.
It’s not an equal catch-22. On one hand, white people can’t use blackface or say the n-word. On the other hand, black people face systemic racism from every power structure and authority in the world. They get harassed while doing mundane things; they are perceived as dangerous, criminal, uneducated, and dishonest by…
Right. Aren’t the Targaryens also known for their incestuous relationships?
If she were an investigative journalist trying to uncover something big and had to resort to sneaky tactics to get information, then yes it would be laudable. Restaurant reviews are written and researched from a different perspective. Critics try to have the most average or typical experience. The most professional…
Did you read the review?
Two wrongs don’t make a right. Her editor shouldn’t have let that piece run, regardless of how the restaurateur behaved. If she wanted to write about the ban and previous review and how their readers wouldn’t get an official review due to the immaturity of the owner, sure. She shouldn’t have officially reviewed food…