
My fiance’s mother’s cooking is literally so bad the only thing she makes that I find edible are the rolls. It’s bad. This woman already hates me thankfully so I’m not that worried about offending her anymore but I do take a small portion of everything and try to force it down. Otherwise I’d be going hungry all

The answer I’m looking for (on the rare occasion I ask my SO this question, which is usually when we’re about to head out the door for a party or a date night) is something along the lines of “You look stunning! Gorgeous! So beautiful my eyes can’t handle it!”

It’s because most of the volume you eat in a day should technically be plant matter. For optimal health, anyway. 2 cups of lettuce is a nice salad, one apple is about a cup of fruit (not exactly because you have a lot of variation in apple sizes but close enough, you get the picture), one serving of broccoli is about

I do this too, it works!

Heck yes. Eating and cooking seasonally is the best way to get your money’s worth and the most nutritional value. In the summer I’m all about berries, in early winter it’s pomegranate when they go on sale, then in late winter, citrus fruit. Apples in the fall but because they last so well, they’re a good choice all

If I didn’t cook veggies at home, my fiance would literally never eat them. My sister’s boyfriend is the same way.

You can get low sodium canned stuff now, too. I always get canned corn with low added salt, it still tastes great.

If you make an old fashioned or a sangria, that’s double the fruit right there!

They’re cheaper than meat, though, especially if you buy frozen. Accessibility is an issue but I think they’re right in that this is predominantly a cultural problem. And the taste thing - like with anything else, the more often you eat them the more you will like the taste.

My main issue with the finale was that the reconciliation with Danny was so...un-earned. Like girl, ok you have one or two small indications that he’s changed, and that’s enough for you to go rushing back to him? Granted that’s what Mindy does, grand romantic gestures with no basis in reality.

I’m guessing whoever lives there just never cooks.

I actually love the rooftop one. I think that would be awesome to live up on a roof. Heating bills would probably be higher but still, how fun would that be?

Yes, but then again if anyone can understand what she meant, it would be another actor. I get the feeling all parties involved here are fine. Jenna’s comments were taken a bit out of context I think, and John handled it tactfully.

I get what she’s saying. I think when you’re an actor (or a dancer, whatever) and you work that closely with someone for years, that person is your partner and it can be a very special bond. Acting especially, it’s so easy for the feelings that you have when you’re in character to sort of bleed outside that role a

Nice clickbait.

That’s just what a serial killer would say!

This is why I hate being on isolated, rural highways at night. You know they’re out there.

No, because they typically kill people all in one go. It’s not a serial killing unless time elapses between the murders. If they kill above a certain number, it’s categorized as a mass murder, though.

I will never not star this.

If you’re serious, that’s adorable.