
I’m not saying all rural kids do that but I was a rural kid, too, and I personally know some people who did. One who ODed within the last month. It’s a stupid waste of human life.

Yeah, it’s really that bad. Several kids I went to high school with have ODed, and many more are in prison for either buying or selling. In our small town alone there are upwards of twenty deaths every year lately, mostly from heroin or fentanyl.

I love it because it’s the only horror movie I know of that actually draws directly from historical documents. I spent several years in grad school on the history of witchcraft, and part of that meant I had to read all of nearly a thousand documents from the Salem trials. This movie is ripped directly from all that

I’m so sorry. It can happen to anyone. I’m from a small rural town and I’ve seen all kinds of people struggle with this. It is not at all something that only happens to “bad” people.

I hope those who voted for him who have family or friends who are addicted see this as the slap in the face that it is. My brother in law (former, my sister eventually divorced him) is an opioid addict. The problem isn’t “just say no.” It’s “take this if you want to be able to get back to work after your

In all seriousness, what a dick move. I was an air force brat and we lived for those NORAD Santa updates every year when we were little. It was literally the coolest thing.

Not at all surprising. He’s such a piece of shit.

Pass. What good is a husband if he’s too far away to get rid of the spiders in the apartment?

Yeah that’s clearly a typo.

I agree. I want more fruit in my life that will last longer. I do not want more pointless plastic packaging that’s going to be terrible for the environment.

I actually feel kinda bad because I’ve been hearing mine say for more than fifteen years now stuff like “Oh, you know this might be my last Christmas”. Hasn’t happened yet so it’s hard to take seriously at this point. But of course I will be very sad when it turns out she’s right.

That is a very good point, about ectopic pregnancy. As far as I know there’s no way to tell whether it’s ectopic or not without an ultrasound, and for now that can only be done at an actual clinic of some kind.

My grandmother is 89 and she started doing this when she turned 70. She figured instead of having us have to sort out who will end up with what when she dies, she’d rather just start making sure things were with the people she wanted to have them. Which is why I have four boxes of crystal, china and silver that I just

Having a blast leaving comments throughout the draft at every mention of “from conception” and “unborn child.”

That scene was so painful to watch. If you’ve seen the movie Splice, that was what it made me think of. Just...very clear that it was a man behind the camera, thinking he’s being extremely clever, haha.

That scene made a huge impact for me just because of how much was going on there. The superimposed female form suggesting that women are interchangeable, that in the future there’s no difference between using a computer for sex and using a woman for sex. The fact that it was actually pretty romantic and touching on

I tell my younger sisters and female coworkers who come to me for advice that all the time. Seriously, all the time. I think it’s just so true.

It’s pretty over the top in my opinion. But, I also still really enjoyed it and think it’s worth watching despite the issues I have with it.

I wouldn’t say it automatically doesn’t appeal to us, I mean look at Mad Max. Women turned out for that movie in droves, and that’s a huge part of why it made so much money. But it’s true, as Hunger Games showed adding a Hemsworth never hurts :)

I get that, and I actually really loved the movie. I think it’s a damn near perfect sequel to the original, which is one of my long time favorites.