
I read this as a kid, but I honestly don’t recall a lot of it. This year I am only reading books by women. I’m going to add this to my list. I think it’s an important revisit. Especially given this current political landscape.

EVERYONE in the family is Fredo.

Oooo, an excuse to post a bunch of flags making fun of this stupid flag, one of my favorite collections of things on the internet!

I’m reading a book on epigenetics at the moment and the current chapter discusses the effects of childhood stress on a person’s later propensity for anxiety. It’s pretty clear that a stressed childhood leads to lifelong elevations in cortisol and other stress hormones when compared with people who were less stressed

More title suggestions for his memoir/screenplay:

Many, many Twin Cities musicians participated on that show, and rehearsals were often at Keillor’s home. Every new female participant was warned to not find herself in a room alone with him.

Apparently, he’s also in the midst of writing a screenplay about a man who goes back home to a lake-side cabin after being falsely accused of sexual misconduct in the workplace.

.............hey, it’s the Midwest................things haven’t been that Hot around those parts since Mrs. O’Learys cow got a bit testy in the 1870s (?)............

I, for one, am shocked this was never about his disingenuous story where he accidentally and inadvertently touched one woman’s back that one time.

Keillor told MPR News, “I’ll be able to tell my side of the story at length, in my own words, in due course, and that’s sufficient for me.”

Sexual harassment? The old fart should have been fired long ago for vocal harassment after making all those guests sing those horrible duets with him.

While this could be a move upwards why do I get the feeling she’s getting pushed due to her entirely fair comments the other day.

Please please please let this mean she is running for office.

Counterpoint: thalidomide.

Amazing. Every word of what you just said was wrong.

I am 33 years old and have loved Jewel since I was but a wee child and she first came out with songs. I loved her stupid poetry book as a 13 year old. As a fellow jacker up grill haver, I loved her snaggle ass tooth. She’s alright. She slept in a van.

I’d reflexively snark on Jewel, but she seems like a good person.

I love Jewel. She and her snaggletooth will always hold a special place in my heart. I swore up and down that I sounded JUST like her when I sang along with her music and was convinced I had major talent until my cousin was like “You sing too high pitch and it’s annoying” and then I realized I should probably focus on

I don’t know why this is news and worth ‘an article’. You and I and everybody clearly remember Mr. Trump campaigning on the issue, that he’d build a wall along the border with Mexico where construction practicalities allowed but not where natural obstacles would make it problematic or unnecessary, and further, that

You took Stephen King books to MAINE?! Do you KNOW what happens there?! I’m only surprised that you didn’t move to Derry, or Jerusalem’s Lot.