
That’s fine and all but I’m never not gonna like Jewel so...

I live near Columbus and I don’t think anyone here thinks there’s a serious chance of it being us. We have the room for it but not the public transportation.

Honestly I think it’s Atlanta. They’d have a direct flow of talent from Ga Tech.

There’s a Korean chain restaurant in my neck of the woods that’s a lot like Chipotle. It’s called “Bibibop” and the only thing they serve is an americanized bibimbap. It’s actually really good! But it’s bland compared to the “real” Korean restaurants in our area.

Yep. I completely believe it.

This worked for me last year. I started counting calories in March, and stuck with it through Thanksgiving, when I decided to take a break for the holidays. I lost 30 pounds. It’s so much easier to eat at a deficit when you’re not freezing cold. I gained 5 pounds between Thanksgiving and New Years, but just by cutting

Disappointing, but he’s still my TV husband.

It warms the cockles of my cold, dead heart to see that someone has finally bought that building. I just have an irrational love for the damn thing. I’m sure I’m not the only Ohioan who feels this way. I mean it’s a giant goddamn basket in basically the middle of nowhere. It’s a treasure. Utterly pointless, but

We make “leftovers” soup. Chicken broth with whatever veggies are left in the fridge and whatever odds and ends of noodles we have left in the cabinet, or leftover cooked rice. If you don’t have noodles or rice, beat an egg and stir in some parmesan cheese, then stir the mixture into the boiling soup to cook it, it’s

I think the big problem for a lot of people is you might still have kids who are relying on you at that age, but that’s also when you might have to become the caregiver for your parents. One generation has to be the main support of two others.

Definitely not real, either extensions or falsies.

I believe Colorpop had a range of cream contour and highlight colors that were in the works more than a year ago, and they were used as an inbetween test for the concealers they came out with recently (getting the formula and shades refined). So Seed has had more face products in the works for a while. I would guess

I could see this working for other industries, but it doesn’t apply to most of my problem people (real estate, lots of Trump types who travel non stop, so although they have assistants who stay in the office to answer the main phone line and take messages, they answer their emails themselves via their iphones, and on

As somebody who deals with a lot of execs, there is nothing I hate more than when I send a well crafted email with short questions asking for specific information that I need to proceed on something, only to get a standard CEO response of an incomplete sentence with words misspelled that answers nothing.

So do I send the therapy bill for the treatment for this existential fucking dread that just settled upon me to you personally, or ?

I am honestly so terrified by all of this. It’s a return to the gilded era for the country as a whole. and what follows will be mass unemployment, and for most of us, a return to Great Depression type poverty.

If anything like this comes out about Colbert, I will honestly cry.

I think there is something beneficial to showing people who have really bad and possibly emotionally upsetting skin conditions like this that they’re not alone. Plus making the public more aware of dermatologists in general is a good thing, since most of us should be getting regular skin cancer checks.

Haha, boots on the ground is huge in our office, too. Just makes me think of how much I’d love to “deploy” certain coworkers right out of an airplane.

You say mmm that looks great! Poke at it. And ditch it discreetly at the first opportunity. I’ve been there, before my grandpa was diagnosed with dementia, for a couple years before that his cooking was...haphazard.